Thursday, August 12, 2010

Gitmo Controversy:

President Obama's promise to shut the Guantánamo Bay detention facility has come back to haunt him.

For many that's what this will carry as the political meme. But for those of us who understand that the previous decade, along the extreme hateful rantings of many throughout and now, this will be seen as the reality of creating much more hatreds towards us and our very blatant hypocrisies that are way too numerous to list! Which will effect much in this country in the coming decades, especially Security and Economy! It will also remind us of the fear within many who fight bringing those held as criminals, many already released for lack of any evidence, to the U.S. to stand trial, in a Country that once stood for Law and Human Rights as it condemns others of not, and be incarcerated here if found guilty! We created our own enemies of those who would never have been nor ever thought of being!

The Queasy Case of Omar Khadr

Aug. 12, 2010 - President Obama's promise to shut the Guantánamo Bay detention facility has come back to haunt him. Not only is the facility still open long past the January 2010 deadline that Obama set for closing it, but this week saw the first steps in the trial of its youngest and most controversial inmate. Omar Khadr, who has been held at the facility for seven years, faces a maximum life sentence for allegedly killing a U.S. soldier during a battle in Afghanistan when he was 15 years old.

If Khadr is convicted by a jury composed of U.S. military officers, he will be the first person convicted of war crimes committed as a child anywhere in the world since World War II, according to the U.N.'s special representative for children and armed conflict, Radhika Coomaraswamy. Continued

And we continue to this day creating more and more hatreds towards us as the whole planet watches and listens!

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