Monday, October 22, 2012

Study of Casualty Recording Armed Conflicts

"Everyone knows that in conflict people die, but they are not just numbers. They are people with dreams, with hopes, with families, with suffering, with all of that."
Quote from one of the casualty recorders interviewed for our research
The 'Wall of Names' at the Kigali Memorial Centre, Rwanda, remembering Rwandan genocide victims. Source: Igor Roginek (2012)

Oxford Research Group (ORG) has completed its two-year study into casualty recording practice worldwide. Violent deaths in conflict should and can be recorded, our new study has found - the largest ever research project into casualty recording practice. The study, authored by Elizabeth Minor, Research Officer on our Documenting Existing Casualty Recording Practice Worldwide project, investigates the work of 40 casualty recorder groups and individuals, based in different conflict and post-conflict environments. It shows that, despite widespread neglect, recording casualties is entirely practicable.

The project has made crucial findings that are useful to recording practitioners, their supporters, and policy-makers, towards the goal that every casualty of armed conflict will be recorded. It provides insight into casualty recording practice that has, until now, not existed. The research also highlights the immediate and long-term benefits that make this work vital.

In armed conflicts all over the world, many violent deaths, particularly of civilians, fail to be officially recorded, which adds to the harm already done. In many cases, civil society organisations step in to fill this gap as best they can. Our study of the work of these organisations reveals how and why these organisations record casualties, often to the level of named individuals, and even in the most dangerous and repressive of environments.

ORG began this project in 2010 to provide a detailed overview of how work to document deaths from armed conflict was being carried out around the world. The two major objectives of the project were to: read more with links>>>

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