Saturday, December 15, 2007

What Really Were In The Tapes and Why The Destruction!

I was going to do a quick writeup about the destroyed CIA Interrogation Tapes, earlier this week, after listening once again to ex-CIA agent John Kiriakou being interviewed, on NPR's All Things Considered {you can listen to the interview at the link} and his interviews sounding so much like they were memorized facts that really go no where.

Fact is I don't buy his story.

The reasons he's out in public giving this story are my suspicions, and not yet based on facts, may never be, but than again all it takes is total honesty, by someone, to get the real story.

The whole debate, to date, revolves around one form of Illegal Torture, Waterboarding.

Former CIA officer John Kiriakou was a member of the team that captured and questioned al-Qaida operative Abu Zubaydah in Pakistan in 2002. The interrogation is one of two CIA interrogations at the heart of the current controversy surrounding destroyed videotapes.

One of the reasons Kiriakou is traveling around giving his story, I believe, is to help keep it a one Torture subject. Another, I believe, after watching what this Administration will resort to, on numorous other subjects, is to place himself front and center as a topic taking heat off what the Administration knew, hoping it will die down as they concoct more crap for the headlines, and like everything else leave the concious thought of the populace.

Having gone through SERE - Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape at Camp Pendleton, out of the Coranado Calif Naval Base, back in 1970, prior to my tour in 'Nam, and been one of those Waterboarded, as only one part of the Resistance, something one could expect if captured, because we were doing it In - Theater, as someone showed in an earlier DKOS Diary.

A U.S. soldier in Vietnam supervises the waterboarding of a captured North Vietnamese soldier. Bettmann/Corbis

I find his story rather incredible giving other information he puts forth.

Let me inject something here. The limpbaugh, o'really, fox crowd have been spouting off that because we do Waterboarding in our Training that makes it a non issue as to Torture. Wrong, that's precisely why WaterBoarding is a part of the training, as an Expected Torture Technique, known to be illegal, and one that can be a controlled training technique. The control comes from the fact that at least one of those giving it can monitor your pulse and if any change can end the technique quickly by pulling off the rag covering your face and stop the other from pouring the water, something that probably doesn't happen in the reality of Torturing suspected targets, the monitoring of ones pulse that is.

He keeps saying, in all the interviews I've heard, that this was an "Intelligence success story that Americans should be proud of." This coming from an officer of the CIA and unless they stopped explaining what the Geneva Convention, International Law and U.S. Law are, as they supposedly did with our Military Troops, at least the Reserves and Guard, I want to know why we should be Proud of our Government, a Nation of Laws, condoning Torture, that which we Condemn others for doing! And by doing so leave our Military Troops, In-Theaters, subject to the Same as well as any Citizen of this country found anywhere on this planet!

Now he also says in all these interviews
"In 2002, I believed that desperate times called for desperate measures. And we were so convinced that al-Qaida was planning another massive attack that we really felt that we needed to do anything to get the information to disrupt it," Kiriakou tells Robert Siegel.

Kiriakou says that the decision in Zubaydah's case to use waterboarding — or controlled drowning — came after three to four weeks of questioning during which Zubaydah was uncooperative.

This above apparently to suggest that during the previous three to four weeks of questioning we were giving him cake and ice cream, cigarettes if he smoked, plenty of rest, frequent trips to the local Starbucks by other agents for Zubaydah's favorite coffee mixture................., and all that just wasn't working.

Kiriakou describes the process of waterboarding, his own experience being waterboarded and how it took only 35 seconds once the technique was employed for Zubaydah to start talking.

Bam, strap him to a board, cover face with cloth, pour water, and this Hardened Terrorists Breaks in 35seconds and gives a bunch of Real Useful Intelligence where American lives were saved as a result of the information the CIA learned through this singular technique of interrogation.

Yet no one seems willing, already known how this terrific intelligence information was gathered, what Exactly it Was and What The Targets were, Nobody!!

It reminds me of Collin Powel at the UN, or Rummy saying the Administration knew exactly where the WMD's were, in Iraq, yet when the Inspectors kept asking for the Known locations the Administration kept saying they couldn't pass that on as it would give away their intelligence sources.

Now my first thoughts were that the tapes show One Hell of Alot More than just Waterboarding was taking place!

My second thought was that they would also show that Absolutely No Relative Intelligence was gathered, no matter How Much We Tortured, these Suspects weren't giving up a Damn Thing, couple that with the Illegality of Torture would make this Extremely Damning for any and all involved!!

I'm glad I waited to hit this subject as others seemed to be seeing exactly the same thing.

Olbermann said a few things on last nights show, 12-14-07, about previous statements of Kiriakou that point in the direction of non useful intelligence, can't remember eactly what Keith said and can't find that video at his site nor transcript.

But we have this, below, from

Naomi Wolf

Found at The Huffington Post and now on the Alternet Site as well.

On the missing tapes, we would likely see "confessions" of prisoners who would say anything at all in order to end the violence.

Giving us the following

According to the little-noticed but extraordinarily important book Administration of Torture: A Documentary Record from Washington to Abu Ghraib and Beyond (Jameel Jaffer and Amrit Singh, Columbia University Press, New York 2007), which presents dozens of original formerly secret documents - FBI emails and memos, letters and interrogator "wish lists," raw proof of the systemic illegal torture of detainees in various US-held prisons -- the typical "harsh interrogation" of a suspect in US custody reads like an account of abuses in archives at Yad Vashem.

And continues with this

"Through the FOIA lawsuit," write the authors, "we learned of the existence of multiple records relating to prisoner abuse that still have not been released by the administration; credible media reports identify others. As this book goes to print, the Bush administration is still withholding, among many other records, a September 2001 presidential directive authorizing the CIA to set up secret detention centers overseas; an August 2002 Justice Department memorandum advising the CIA about the lawfulness of waterboarding [Italics mine; nota bene, Mr. Mukasey] and other aggressive interrogation methods; documents describing interrogation methods used by special operations forces in Iraq and Afghanistan; investigative files concerning the deaths of prisoners in U.S. custody; and numerous photographs depicting the abuse of prisoners at detention facilities other than Abu Ghraib.'

Leading to this, and much more

On the missing tapes, we would likely see responses from the prisoners that would be obvious to us as confessions to anything at all in order to end the violence. In other words, if we could witness the drama of manufacturing by torture the many violently coerced "confessions" upon which the whole house of cards of this White House and its hyped "war on terror" rests, it would likely cause us to reopen every investigation, including the most serious ones (remember, even the 9/11 committee did not receive copies of the tapes); shut down the corrupt, Stalinesque Military Commissions System; turn over prisoners, the guilty and the innocent, into a working, accountable justice system operating in accordance with American values; and direct our legal scrutiny to the torturers themselves -- right up to the office of the Vice President and the President if that is where the investigations would lead.

Naomi closes with the following, and I'll put in Bold

An independent special prosecutor must be appointed. The people who are found guilty, in America, must face justice.

Let the investigations begin.

Yes, Let The Investigations Begin, RIGHT F**KING NOW!!

My Name Has Been Soiled Enough, as have All Our Names All This Has Been Done Under!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Congress Vows Action On Vets' Suicides

This is a Quick posting as I just Uploaded the Video's and am running around getting ready for work.

Congress Vows Action On Vets' Suicides

'Make VA go to the soldier'

Congress Vows Action On Vets' Suicides
An Emotional Hearing On Capitol Hill After CBS News Investigates Suicide Epidemic
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2007

“Our veterans deserve better,” Mike Bowman told a congressional hearing Wednesday. “Don’t make it so the soldiers go to the VA; make the VA go to the soldier.”

Parents of soldier who committed suicide testify of need to address veterans’ mental health issues
Posted on Wed, Dec. 12, 2007 10:15 PM

Testifying Before Congress on the Issue of Veterans' Suicides
Paul Rieckhoff Wed Dec 12, 11:27 AM ET

Data sought on veterans' suicide - Photo's

Dad's plea for mental health care: 'Make VA go to the soldier'
Father of veteran speaks out 1:06
Mike Bowman's son, Tim, completed a combat tour in Iraq and committed suicide after returning home.

Testimony for Ilona Meagher
Author of 'Moving A Nation To Care...'
House Committee on Veterans' Affairs Hearing on
Stopping Suicide: Mental Health Challenges Within the Department of Veterans Affairs
December 12, 2007

Veterans Suicides
Google Search Page - Initial Reports On Congressional Hear 12-12-07

Anyone want to post these here's the direct links:
For the first Video
and For the second Video. These are up at Blip TV, where you can get the share player links, now to go to Google Video's to upload, I'll put them up as well.

Here are the Google Video Links:
For the First Video and For the Second Video

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Mental Health Care for Our Combat Veterans

Tomorrow December 12, 2007, there's a hearing on Stopping Suicide and Ending Homelessness: Mental Health Challenges Within the Department of Veterans Affairs by the House Veterans' Affairs Committee,

Ilona Meagher, of PTSD Combat: Winning the War Within and author of Moving A Nation to Care: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and America's Returning Troops, is scheduled to be one of the ones to testify at this Congressional hearing, as many already know. If you have the chance, and C-Span carries this hearing please watch! Ilona has a short send off post at her site, seems though she's caught in the Mid West ice storm, here's hoping this Important New Voice on PTSD can make it to DC!

On December 6th a Public Forum On Mental Health Care was held in Watertown NY, home of Fort Drum. I was hoping, though it was a really tight time span, of getting some transcripts of this forum to pass to Ilona to be placed in the Congressional Record, of the hearing, along with all the rest she has put together. It was a minor miracle that didn't happen as nothing is ready yet. Chris McConkey, of Tompkins County & Ithaca Against the War traveled up to Watertown to video those invited to participate:

Dean Anthony, MSW and Trauma Therapist
Joe Gregory, Mexico, N Y, father of an Iraq combat vet who was killed after returning home because the VA failed to treat his PTSD.
Marty Webster, VVAW Natl. Coordinator, and a Vietnam vet who still suffers from PTSD.
Tod Ensign, attorney for Sgt Brad Gaskins, arrested by Ft Drum police as he sought to return to Ft Drum for mental health care. A two tour Iraq combat vet, Gaskins went AWOL when he was refused treatment for his PTSD.
And the VA’s Vet Center at Ft Drum has been invited to send a speaker

I talked to Cris on sunday and he doesn't have all the video to upload or burn to DVD as of yet. He did say there were a couple of speakers, the Vet Center representative, and a couple of Drum Soldiers who didn't want their contributions to be video'd. He will contact me when he has the Forum Video's ready.

In the meantime one of the local TV Stations did a report and video on the forum:

Public Forum on Combat PTSD-Ft Drum

Here is the article about the Forum Soldier calls PTSD an "ugly demon"

And this is where the Forum was held The Different Drummer Internet Cafe

And a previous post I have up about the upcoming Forum Public Forum On Mental Health Care At Ft Drum and More

I keep trying to get my head to come to some kind of terms and understanding of what faces our present returning Veterans. We didn't do Mutiple Tours, one twelve month tour was all that was required for our Debacle, mine came in my last year of a four year hitch in the Navy, all shore duty, some volunteered for more In-Country tours, but they were handfuls of the numbers that served in 'Nam. We didn't have Two Theaters of Operations going, we had just one Bloody Destructive Theater!

This Country had Better start coming to terms with exactly what our Conflicts inflict on those who serve and those we wage them on!

Everyone who serves in a Combat Theater are changed! There are a number of levels of the effects War has on the Human Mind and for some those effects can have devestating results, to them, to their families, to their communities, and to complete strangers!

One of those Devestating results can be Spousal and Child Abuse by former Combat Soldiers that just snap from the Demons of War and the Stress that erupts.

One recent report had this video:

Child Abuse by Army Soldiers

I used Ilona's book cover as the graphic to make the point that this Nation Should Start Really Caring!

There are a few articles and reports/studies on the Military and Child/Spousal Abuse

Child Abuse in the Military

Fort Carson Soldier Faces Child Abuse Charges

Soldier Mental Health

Veterans are home, but not at ease

Civilian life tough for many, and help can feel elusive

Spouse Abuse and Child Abuse by Army Soldiers
Issue Volume 22, Number 7 / October, 2007

Longitudinal Assessment of Mental Health Problems Among Active and Reserve Component Soldiers Returning From the Iraq War

A good book to read, written by a now grown child of a Vietnam Veteran who lived with PTSD, is one written by Danielle Trussoni Falling Through the Earth: A Memoir

Not all our recent Veterans will live the Traumas of PTSD, but with the Multiple Tours, some being sent back into theater already taking the drugs to help fight the stesses from a previous tour, Two Theaters of Operations, Urban combat, and once again a Nation seemingly oblivious of Reality, how many will suffer from, or like my brothers have it triggered way down the road by a simple incident or another Conflict!

Monday, December 10, 2007

"Christmas In Fallujah"

Live In Chicago
"Christmas In Fallujah"
Available on iTunes Dec. 4th
Proceeds to Benefit: Homes for our Troops

Billy Joel & Cass Dillon - "Christmas In Fallujah"

Press Release
For Immediate Release
November 30, 2007

Young Artist & Members of Billy's Band Deliver Emotionally Charged Performance of New Composition Inspired By Soldiers' Letters From Iraq

Proceeds From "Christmas In Fallujah" To Benefit Homes For Our Troops

Billy Joel, the quintessential American singer, songwriter, composer and performer, has passed along his latest composition, "Christmas In Fallujah," to the emerging young artist Cass Dillon. Dillon's electrifying rendition of the song -- produced by Tommy Byrnes and Jay Baumgardner and recorded with members of Billy's ensemble -- will be available for purchase exclusively on the iTunes Store beginning Tuesday, December 4.

Net proceeds from "Christmas in Fallujah" will be donated to Homes For Our Troops, a nonprofit organization that builds specially adapted homes for service members returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with severe disabilities. Billy Joel is an avid supporter of Homes For Our Troops. For more information, please go to: Homes for our Troops

Billy wrote "Christmas In Fallujah" earlier this year as a response to letters he's received from soldiers in Iraq, men and women who've found solace, inspiration and comfort in his songs.

"I didn't feel I was the person to sing this song," said Billy of the decision to work with the up-and-coming Cass Dillon, 21. "I thought it should be somebody young, about a soldier's age. I wanted to help somebody else's career. I've had plenty of hits. I've had plenty of airplay. I've had my time in the sun. I think it's time for somebody else, maybe, to benefit from my own experience."

Cass Dillon came to Billy Joel's attention through Tommy Byrnes, a guitarist in Billy's band and a musical consultant for the "Movin' Out" Broadway musical. Byrnes and Stefano DiBenedetto, of the OCD Music Group, had discovered Cass performing an acoustic set at the Drama Cafe in Baldwin, New York. (Cass Dillon, like Billy Joel, is a native Long Islander.) Byrnes produced Cass's first demo recordings and one night, nearly two years ago, brought the demos, and Cass, over to Billy's for a listening session over some incredible fish tacos Cass says he'll never forget.

This year, when Tommy and Billy got to talking about who might be right for "Christmas In Fallujah," Cass Dillon's name rose to the top of the list. So Billy and Tommy flew Cass Dillon to San Francisco where, by fate and divine coincidence, they recorded "Christmas In Fallujah" on Veteran's Day 2007. The wide and immediate reach of iTunes made it the perfect venue for the release of "Christmas In Fallujah."

For singer-songwriter Cass Dillon, whose first CD was a copy of Billy Joel's "Greatest Hits," the chance to launch his own career with a new song of Billy Joel's is a dream come true. "I feel so honored and blessed to have this opportunity," Dillon said. "When someone of that stature, with that history of great songs behind him with such a huge catalog asks you to sing something he's written, there's nothing you can do but be completely honored to perform."

On December 4, 2007, iTunes will also offer a six-song EP of Cass Dillon's original music entitled "A Good Thing Never Dies," a line taken from "The Shawshank Redemption," one of Cass's favorite films.

"A Good Thing Never Dies" marks the inaugural release from the new independent label Mulberry Street Records.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

If Anyone Wants To Hear Carissa & Paul

On yesterdays KSCO Radio broadcast you can now hear it, I'm listening now, with This Link. Or click on first link and on rightside look for 'Latest
Saturday Special' to download and listen.

Yesterday I tried a few times and they still had up last weeks show, even though it says 'Listen Live'!!

Carissa of course from Military Spouses for Change


Paul Sullivan from Veterans For Common Sense

Military Spouses For Change

Before The NIE - Iran

Doing some research on a certain topic totally, and I mean totally differant, than this, I came across a report by Michael E. Salla, M.A., Ph.D.
November 7, 2007 posted at Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran cross posted, from his site, America's Hero's Journey, titled The Neoconservative Agenda to Sacrifice the Fifth Fleet – The New Pearl Harbor.

Don't know if anyone caught this before, but my interest is the continuing growing questions I have about the lead up to what happened on 9/11 and all that has occurred since. I'm not one for conspiracies, but am one who questions what they read or hear, especially when it raises question after question, and nobody seems willing to really seek out All the answers!

Mr Salla has put together a well researched scenario of what the possibilities were with invation of Iran, that anyone with even a working knowledge of the Arms Trade Industry and that Region were putting some of the same together, maybe only in their minds, but were the realities.

Iran had the U.S. Military sitting on one side, Iraq, on another, Afganistan, and a growing fleet presence on another, the Persian Gulf Area, and a wanna be tough guy, reading others words, poorly, threatening them from Washington!

Mr Salla leads off with this:
The Bush administation has covered up and ignored dissenting Pentagon war games analysis that suggests an attack on Iran's nuclear or military facilities will lead directly to the annihilation of the Navy's Fifth Fleet now stationed in the Persian Gulf.

He goes on to describe the Fifth Fleet's Vulnerability to Iran's Anti-Ship Missile Arsenal:
The Enterprise has over 5000 Navy personnel, and on November 2, began participating in a Naval exercise in the Persian Gulf.

including a cut from this
Many years ago, Soviet planners gave up trying to match the US Navy ship for ship, gun for gun, and dollar for dollar. The Soviets simply could not compete with the high levels of US spending required to build up and maintain a huge naval armada. They shrewdly adopted an alternative approach based on strategic defense. They searched for weaknesses, and sought relatively inexpensive ways to exploit those weaknesses. The Soviets succeeded: by developing several supersonic anti-ship missiles, one of which, the SS-N-22 Sunburn, has been called "the most lethal missile in the world today."

Mr Salla links back to a GAO study on the US Navy's preparedness for anti-ship cruise missiles. And also to a military study in 2003.

Mr Salla has a number of links embedded in his report well worth the look see. He goes on to explain the Neo-Conservatives thought process, though I find their thoughts not really thought out, more in tune to an extremely short time line, with this chapter, The Neo-Conservative Strategy to Attack Iran

Starting out with this:
Neoconservatives share a political philosophy that US dominance of the international system as the world's sole superpower needs to be extended indefinitely into the 21st century. Part of the neoconservative agenda is to identify and overthrow states that are opposed to the current U.S. dominated international system.

Much of which many had already figured out long ago.

He goes on to explain his thoughts on First Attack Strategy, Second Attack Strategy, Third Attack Strategy into the Consequences of Iran being Attacked!

Now Iran, being like most on this planet, certainly are Not Going To 'First Strike' a power that is surrounding it with already based Military Might, even with being bogged down in the Quagmire of Iraq and Afganistan heating up daily!

But if the U.S., or even Israel, were to Strike at Iran, one needs not think to hard what their reaction might be, especially if they even had a passing thought as to the possibilities of a followup strike coming, causing more Death and Destruction!

And once again, they are pretty much surrounded by the U.S. Military, though not as overwelming in Afganistan. I would think they would not only Attempt to hit a U.S. Ship/Ships, but Bases and Troops in Iraq are not to be a distant thought, they're All in Range of Iranian Ordinance!

And if Israel were to Strike, what would they face? Not much unless Iran has long range capabilities unknown of.

But a Strike by either would Cause an Explosion of Hostilities throughout the Region, leading to attacks outside of the region, that's where Israel's Blowback would come from!

We have those in the region questioning the policies of this administration as reported yesterday in this Washington Post article.

LithiumCola has diary in the recommend on an L.A. Times report from today on the gutting of Intelligence gathering on Iran than the step up.

There has also been a report on CNN the past couple of days on the dealings between Iran and the U.S., not so long ago, that were, for the most part, the complete opposite of the recent rethoric coming out of Washington. Can't find a link to he report nor a video link of same.

There's only One Danger to this Planet, in the present, it's coming out of our own Capital and not just from the puppet but those pulling his strings and writing his words, as well as any others allied with them any where in this World!!