**IN HONOR TO THE FALLEN in Iraq and Afghanistan**

I started these lists after a Vietnam Brother contacted a couple of us, myself included, to post up the names of the Fallen from 2003 to the end of 2006, lists he had put together, mostly concentrated on the failed policy of the Iraq invasion and then occupation. I decided to keep the Honor going by posting up each month following those first lists we posted at the
Daily KOS at the end of 2006. My early post were still concentrated at the Iraq occupation after most troops were pulled from Afghanistan allowing that to fester into what we have today and not securing or helping the Afghans once ridding the Taliban and not going after the reason we invaded, al Qaeda and bin Laden!

Each one of us did a year and posted some ten minutes apart so they'd be on the posting list together. Since those early posts, my monthly ones as well, I've gotten better at integrating more related into each, so from early to latest, which lead to my early blog site, you'll see quite a difference in the postings and allot more related information added.

The names are brought to the lists after the DoD has confirmed them all as to the previous month and found at mostly the
CNN-Iraq/Afghanistan War Casualties site page or from the
Iraq/Afghanistan Coalition/NATO Casualty Count site. I will keep upgrading this list, as well as possible page changes, the posts will still be on my other site, as I produce new monthly updates of those Killed In Action. In Honor Brothers and Sisters to you and your Families!

Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - May 2011Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - April 2011Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - March 2011Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - February 2011Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - January 2011Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - December 2010Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - November 2010Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - October 2010Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - September 2010Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - August 2010Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - July 2010Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - June 2010Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - May 2010Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - April 2010Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - March 2010Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - February 2010Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - January 2010Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - December 2009Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - November 2009Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - October 2009Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - September 2009Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - August 2009Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - July 2009Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan – June 2009Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan – May 2009Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan – April 2009Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan – March 2009Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan - February 2009Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan – January 2009Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan – December 2008Iraq & Afghanistan/Pakistan – November 2008Iraq/Afghanistan – October 2008Iraq/Afganistan – September 2008Iraq/Afganistan – August 2008Iraq/Afganistan – July 2008Iraq/Afganistan – June 2008Iraq/Afganistan – May 2008Iraq/Afganistan – April 2008Iraq/Afganistan – March 2008Iraq/Afganistan – Febuary 2008Iraq/Afganistan – January 2008Iraq – December 2007Iraq - November 2007Iraq -October 2007Iraq - September 2007Iraq - August 2007Iraq - July 2007Iraq - June 2007Iraq - May 2007Iraq - April 2007Iraq - March 2007Iraq - Feb. 2007Iraq - Jan. 2007Iraq - 2006Honoring The Fallen Afghanistan 2006
Iraq - 2005Honoring The Fallen Afghanistan 2005Iraq - 2004Honoring The Fallen Afghanistan 2004Iraq - 2003
Honoring Afghanistan Fallen: 2001 - 2002 - 2003
PBS NewsHour Silent Honor Rolls

A silent tribute to U.S. soldiers killed while on duty in Iraq and Afghanistan
In Honor - In Memory

AP Interactive**Iraq: The Toll - Coalition Deaths since March 2003
Iraq Veterans Memorial
The Iraq Veterans Memorial is an online war memorial that honors the members of the U.S. armed forces who have lost their lives serving in the Iraq War. The Memorial is a collection of video memories from family, friends, military colleagues, and co-workers of those that have fallen.
Tracking coalition military deaths in Iraq, one day at a time, across the map. Click HERE to see the Flash-animated map.
Iraq/Afghanistan Coalition/NATO Casualty Count and Much More
Faces of the Fallen
CNN-Iraq/Afghanistan War Casualties
Track Military and Civilian Fatalities
In Remembrance - Moving Tributes