Friday, April 22, 2005

Veterans For Peace offers Condolences to the families and colleagues of Marla Ruzicka and Faiz Ali Salim

  • Veterans For Peace offers Condolences Veterans For Peace would like to express our deep sympathy to the families and colleagues of Marla Ruzicka and Faiz Ali Salim.
  • Both Marla and Faiz exemplified the character and bravery of peace keepers dedicating theirlives to create profound change. On April 16, both Marla, 28 and Faiz, 43,died as the result of a suicide bomb explosion in Baghdad. Marla founded theCampaign for Innocent Victims In Conflict (CIVIC), and Faiz was CIVIC's Country Director in Iraq. At a time when the violence in Iraq has spun out of control and many relief workers have left, Marla and Faiz decided this was the time they were most needed.The deaths of Marla and Faiz bring home the ugly truth of war, death and destruction. The violence of war does not discriminate. It will take the life of combatants, women, children, and relief workers alike. Marla and Faiz endeavored to help victims of war and in the process became victims.However, their legacies will live on in all of us as we continue to stand for peace and justice and carry the fire of Marla and Faiz in our hearts.Marla Ruzicka and Faiz Ali Salim, thank you for your service to humanity. We shall continue the struggle in your name and in the name of all victims of war.
  • David Cline Veterans For Peace President
  • Michael T. McPhearson Veterans For Peace Executive Director
  • Please distribute widely

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