Sunday, May 08, 2005

Amnesty International - Help Stop Violence Against Women

Stop Violence Against Women Posted by Hello

  • Last month, Amnesty International welcomed the release of political prisoner Rebiya Kadeer, a businesswoman and mother imprisoned since 1999 by China on trumped-up charges. Kadeer flew to the United States where she was reunited with her husband and family.
  • At a brief welcome ceremony hosted by Amnesty, Kadeer made an appeal that transcended her own situation on the particular plight of the Uighur minority to which she belongs. Instead, she spoke as a mother.
    You Can Make History
  • Please join mothers like Rebiya Kadeer and help stop violence against women and families.
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  • “Thank you all for returning a mother to 20 million Uighurs; thank you for returning a mother to my children and a wife to my husband, who are all sitting here.
  • “My children's tears have finally stopped and my tears for my children have finally stopped. I thought of my children day and night and I cried, shed tears for them, because I could not give my love to them as a mother for the past five and a half years.
  • “I swore in prison that I would be a mother to the ones that did not have a mother and I would fight for human rights until the day I close my eyes, and I swear in front of you that I will do so.
  • “I remember something my younger daughter said a couple of days ago when she saw a mother walking with a child, and kissed her child: 'I wish that I was that child.' I love my children.
  • “I am not only a mother of eleven children, but to a lot of children.
  • “I can scream now, I can speak now, I can eat the food that I like. I can hold my children in my arms, I can kiss my daughter, I can laugh. I can move around freely.”
  • On behalf of the millions of mothers and children whose lives are ripped apart daily by violence and oppression, please join Rebiya Kadeer in rededicating yourself to the cause of stopping violence against women and families.
  • Please donate generously to Amnesty International’s Stop Violence Against Women Campaign using our secure and convenient online donation system.
  • Your support will help Amnesty’s urgent life-saving work in war-torn Darfur, where government-sponsored marauders have made widespread rape and torture of women a hallmark of their gruesome work.
    Your support will help bring to justice the perpetrators of the disappearance and murder of nearly 400 women and girls in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico – where government officials have dragged their feet as the death toll mounts.
    And your support will give heart to the countless women who languish in prison – women like Rebiya Kadeer – separated from their families and silenced.
  • This Mother’s Day, please mark the occasion by thinking of your own mother, but also by lending a hand in support of mothers, families and universal justice. Your help is greatly appreciated!
  • SincerelyBill SchulzExecutive Director, Amnesty International USA
    P.S. Amnesty will never rent, sell or exchange your email information with any third parties.
  • Donating to AIUSA online, is quick, convenient and secure.

  • Amnesty International USA, 5 Penn Plaza, 14th Floor, New York, NY 10001(212) 807-8400

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