Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Fwd: From Veterans For Peace - Help Communicate the Cost of War - Please Pass On Especially To Interested Parties Described

  • Ron Mulvihill of is producing/directing a documentary, LETTING GO, featuring women Iraqi war veterans.
  • Ron's father is a Vietnam Vet, and Ron traveled with him to Vietnam in the late 90's, where he and his father gathered with other vets and renewed their connection to Vietnam and its people. Ron did extensive filming while in there but did not at that time shape the film into a story. He and the writer of his latest project, Leigh Podgorski, are going to gather the interviews and stories of women Iraqi vets, and explore the impact of this war on the people who wage it, their families and communities, and the parallels and differences between Iraq and Vietnam.

  • Please forward this request to your lists and/or in other ways do whatever you can to help in this endeavor.

  • Leigh would like to interview either in person or via telephone women who have returned from Iraq.

  • Any interested people may contact her by e-mail at:

  • Or they can telephone her at; 818-881-5100.

  • "I teach at a community college in the evenings, but I can be reached from around 7A.M til Noon most days, and 1PM until 3.
    The weekends are also good -- all day, as well as Friday all day.
    People are also welcome to leave their contact information -- either on the phone or by e-mail, and I will get back to them.
    Thank you so much.

  • I look greatly forward to hearing from you and some of these brave and wonderful women."

    Leigh Podgorski

  • "First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."

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