Saturday, May 21, 2005

Unseen Pictures, Untold Stories

  • Unseen Pictures, Untold Stories
  • U.S. newspapers and magazines print few photos of American dead and wounded, a Times review finds. The reasons are many -- access, logistics, ethics -- but the result is an obscured view of the cost of War
  • By James Rainey
  • Times Staff Writer May 21, 2005
  • The young soldier died like so many others, ambushed while on patrol in Baghdad. Medics rushed him to a field hospital, but couldn't get his heart beating again.What set Army Spc. Travis Babbitt's last moments in Iraq apart was that he confronted them in front of a journalist's camera.

  • SNIP Rest of Must Read Article at:

  • For the Flash Presentation Click Link at Top
  • *****************************
  • "If we believe that the present war in Iraq is just and necessary, why do we shrink from looking at the damage it wreaks?"
    Sydney H. Schanberg, The Village Voice 2005-05-19

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