Thursday, June 02, 2005

Film 'Premier' In LA - Documentary In NYC- Both, Must See and Watch For In Other Areas

LA Premiere of "Sir, No Sir" about Vietnam GI Antiwar Movement

  • Please join us for the world premiere of
    Sir! No Sir!
  • At the Los Angeles Independent Film Festival
  • Sunday, June 19, 7 pm
  • Directors Guild Theater
    7920 Sunset Blvd
  • Second screening Thursday, June 23, 5:30 pm
  • There is no more appropriate time than now to tell the riveting, incendiary story of the GI Antiwar Movement during the Vietnam War. Help us launch this crucial film into the world by spreading the word and attending the premiere.
  • "In the 1960's an anti-war movement emerged that altered the course of history. This movement didn't take place on college campuses, but in barracks and on ships. It flourished in army stockades, navy brigs and in the dingy towns that surround military bases. It penetrated elite military colleges like West Point. And it spread throughout the battlefields of Vietnam. It was a movement no one expected, least of all those in it. Hundreds went to prison and thousands into exile. And by 1971 it had, in the words of one colonel, infested the entire armed services. Yet today few people know about the GI movement against the war in Vietnam."
  • Opening narration of Sir! No Sir!
  • Displaced Films3421 Fernwood AvenueLos Angeles, CA

  • 6/22 showing of "Gulf War Syndrome: Aftermath of a Toxic Battlefield"

  • WHERE: The Community Church of New York, 40 east 35thstreet (between Madison and park Avenues)
  • WHEN: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 Reception with light refreshments 6:30p.m.Film showing 7:00 p.m.
  • This is a special screening of this powerful and disturbing documentary on Gulf War syndrome, the result of the 1991 Desert Storm war in Kuwait and Iraq. Over 200,000 veterans of the Gulf War are now suffering from chronic health problems that in many cases make it impossible for them to work and support their families. This film captures their plight and pain in a compelling and unforgettable way through interviews with a group sick veterans. It also presents an analysis of the many toxic exposures our soldiers faced in the Persian Gulf.New Yorkers will find provocative parallels between the health consequences of prolonged exposure to toxins in the Persian Gulf, including the oil well fires that burned for months, and the exposure of workers and residents in Lower Manhattan to the toxic fumes from the World Trade Center fires.
  • A Johnson/Startzman film.
  • Producer and director,Alison Johnson.
  • Please remain after the film for a post-screening discussion with Alison Johnson who will also sign copies of her companion book Gulf war syndrome; Legacyof a perfect War.
  • A Not IN Our Name Project in Collaboration with The Community Church of New York

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