Friday, June 24, 2005

New Flyer: Free Supplies Available - "Downing Street Handouts"

  • New Flyer: Free Supplies Available
  • Submitted by davidswanson on Thu, 2005-06-23 21:07.
  • Activism
  • This campaign is being driven by the generosity and creativity of volunteers.
    Dave Stengel has created a new brochure:
  • And he's willing to mail to you for free a supply to distribute. Do not ask for more than you can make good use of. Hand them out at events, or go door to door. Please don't stick them on windshields, which is annoying, where it isn't illegal.
  • To get a supply, send an Email with the subject "Downing Street Handouts" to
  • Or Do As I Did, 'Print It Out' Yourselves, Message Stays The Same ,
    Get The Word Out
  • And donate the money you save to

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