Sunday, June 19, 2005

We 'All' Share In The Acts Of The Few, And Carry The Guilt

  • What Is The Differance In These First Three Reports - Zip, Zero, Nada!!
  • On All Sides 'We' All Are Complicit - For These Are Done In All Our Names - Every Act In Wars/Conflicts Everyone Bears The 'Guilt'!!
  • Marjorie Cohn Bush Plays Politics with Guantanamo "Gulag"
  • Iraqi Security Tactics Evoke the Hussein Era
  • By Jeffrey Fleishman and Asmaa Waguih
  • BAGHDAD - The public war on the Iraqi insurgency has led to an atmosphere of hidden brutalities, including abuse and torture, carried out against detainees by the nation's special security forces, according to defense lawyers, international organizations and Iraq's Ministry of Human Rights.

  • Iraqis Found in Torture House Tell of Brutality of Insurgents
  • Marines found a torture center equipped with electric wires, a noose and handcuffs, and four beaten and shackled Iraqis.
  • We are all complicit in these vile acts of torture
    But what can we do about it?
  • by Robert Fisk
  • What can we do? What can we do when an American president dispatches "suspects" to third countries where they will be stripped, wired up, electrocuted, ripped open and tortured until they wish they had never been born?

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