Wednesday, June 15, 2005

A WebSite With A Call For 'Help' For Many Of Our Military Personal

Justice For All Posted by Hello

  • People Rights Organization of America

  • Justice for ALL...
  • We believe that rights in America should not be selective. There is at least one subset of Americans who have much less access to civil rights than the rest of us... the American soldier. Our purpose is to call attention to soldiers and others who need help to exercise those rights. In one case, a daughter was forced to fight in the Iraq war even though she had re-developed severe scoliosis that had been corrected when she was a child, and was pronounced "undeployable" by two Army doctors before deployment. In another, a fiancé was forced back into service after eight years of being out of the reserves. He was sent to Iraq even though he has high blood pressure. In yet another case, a veteran of 25 years was sent to Iraq too soon after a hysterectomy. After a few weeks, she had to be flown out on an emergency basis, and ended up in Walter Reed hospital. Now she has more physical problems since she was not initally allowed to heal properly.
    It has come to our attention that these cases are by no means isolated. Many commanders are pressured to put "boots on the ground", it does not matter very much what condition the soldier in those boots are in.
    Several soldiers and their family members have contacted us. The number is growing, but very few wish to speak publicly because of fear of retaliation. CAN YOU BLAME THEM? It is up to us to call attention to this problem, and to speak for them here.
    Many American citizens are very happy to sweep this problem under the rug. Some are verbally abusive over it. We will not deal with them on this site. Our purpose is not to fight with them, our purpose is to call attention to the plight of our soldiers and many others.

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