Saturday, May 23, 2009


FALLOUT: Coming Home from the War in Iraq

Documentary Video From Ava Lowrey, Peace Takes Courage

Ava Lowrey - Producer , Director, and Editor:

Ava Lowrey is an 18 year old producer and director from Alabama. FALLOUT is her first full-length film. Since 2005 she has created short viral videos and posted them on her website Peace Takes Courage, which has been featured by CNN, MTV, The Rolling Stone, The New York Times and more. In 2007 She was awarded the National Organization for Women’s Woman of Action award for her film activism. In the fall Ava will begin her college studies at New York University’s prestigious Tisch School of the Arts, where she will continue to pursue film.

Visit Ava's "FALLOUT:" site to find out more about her documentary.

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