Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Going Back To Terrorism??

You had to have been one that falls under the loosely define word 'Terrorist' to 'Go Back To!', and if they were why would they have been released after these years of being held, out of touch of any contact and thousands of miles from their homes and families!

Did 'returning' terrorists become extremists in Guantanamo?

One of the detainees whom a newly released Pentagon report says returned to the battlefield after he was released from the Guantanamo Bay prison camp told McClatchy that he was a local security leader in Afghanistan when he was arrested and became a radical Islamist only during his detention.

A second, a Kuwaiti man charged with links to al Qaida, told McClatchy that he'd never been to Afghanistan when he was arrested in a hotel room in Peshawar, Pakistan. He later contradicted himself, however, was held for three and a half years and is now listed as a suspected terrorist............

For those released, as apparently there was not enough evidence that they were even fighters against an invader to their country, after years in Gitmo and elsewhere and the more than just 'waterboarding' torture used, What Would Make Some Think That Some of Them Wouldn't Become Combatants and Possible Criminal Terrorists, than add in the numbers of innocents who survived these years in Afghanistan and Iraq and the Numbers are out of site!!

It only takes a few to wage Criminal Terrorism against masses, they've already lived in the terror waged on them and their countries!!

And we'll be living the results of these years for the decades to come!!

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