Monday, May 18, 2009

Gulf War Veterans........

The post below this is related to the Gulf War I Vets issues

Gulf War Veterans Dying at an Earlier Age?

I have more to send out but these made my Nurse's heart cry out! Enough! These were the youngest 39yrs old-18yrs= 21 when they were over there in Desert Storm. I pray that they had full lives over the past 18 yrs! This is when I get upset. Cancer and cardiac at an early age!.......

Gulf War Veterans Answer the Question? Are we doing enough for Desert Storm Veterans?

by Denise Nichols, Vice Chair National Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans Coalition, MAJ, USAFR(ret), Flight Nurse, RN(ret due to illnesses), MSN

The answers come fast and frequently and they include: No, the doctors at the VA don't even review the findings of physicals and tests received if we go to one of the funded research studies. No, the VA doctors still say it is stress either verbally or in non verbal means. No, the VA does not even cooperate with the Researchers that have funded studies to notify gulf war veterans either thru posters or flyers that are being offered by the researchers..............

Desert Storm Veterans/Families/Supporters

Veterans, supporters, and family members what else can you do? Today Monday call CSPAN and ask them to cover this hearing.

Call your US Representative and ask them to send staffer to hearing. Call your local television station and news station: Tell them of your watch party with other veterans and the location of your watch party. Have the local media contact a Local Desert Storm Veteran as a special local issue.

This is your time to stand up and support all Desert Storm Veterans who have been ill since 190-91. What an admirable thing to do leading into Memorial Day weekend.

Hearings » Gulf War Illness Research: Is Enough Being Done?

May 19, 2009
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations

Gulf War Illness Research: Is Enough Being Done?
340 Cannon House Office Building

Panel 1

* Jim Bunker, Gulf War Veteran and President, National Gulf War Resource Center
* Paul Sullivan, Executive Director, Veterans for Common Sense
* Richard F. Weidman, Executive Director for Policy and Government Affairs, Vietnam Veterans of America
* Roberta F. White Ph.D., Scientific Director, Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses, Professor and Chair of the Department of Environmental Health, Associate Dean of Research at Boston University School of Public Health
* Lea Steele Ph.D., Immediate Past Scientific Director, Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses, Adjunct Associate Professor, Kansas State University School of Human Ecology

Panel 2

* Robert D. Walpole, Former Special Assistant for Gulf War Illness Issues, Office of the Assistant Director of Central Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency

Accompanied by:
* Loren J. Fox Jr., Former Senior Analyst for Gulf War Illness Issues, Central Intelligence Agency
* R. C. Postlewaite DVM, Deputy Director of Force Readiness and Health Assurance, Force Health Protection and Readiness Programs, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, U.S. Department of Defense
* Lawrence Deyton M.D., Chief Public Health and Environmental Hazards Officer, Veterans Health Administration, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Accompanied by:
* Joel Kupersmith M.D., Chief Research and Development Officer, Veterans Health Administration, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
* Mark Brown Ph.D., Director, Environmental Agents Service, Office of Public Health and Environmental Hazards, Veterans Health Administration, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

The afternoon, 2pm, hearing is U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Care: The Crown Jewel and Best Kept Secret but it doesn't look like this ones being streamed, C-Span may pick it up or one can wait till the transcripts come out after the testimony.

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