Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Two Important Veterans Congressional Hearings

Yesterday, 5.19.09 in the morning, at the U.S. House Committee on Veterans Affairs there were two important hearings. In the morning there was this Gulf War Illness Research: Is Enough Being Done?

This is an issue rarely mentioned since Gulf War I, just like ours, Agent Orange, the country, government, and possible business ties to, are pushed into the dark, and silence of denial, as those who served in these theaters suffer, as do their families.

If you would like to watch and listen to you can click on this link to bring up the House Player for the archived hearing, you should be able to read the opening statements at the above site link.

Yesterday afternoon this hearing followed the one above, another very important hearing, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Care: The Crown Jewel and Best Kept Secret

As the subject title of the hearing states, The Crown Jewel and Best Kept Secret, especially coming out of the previous incompetent administration and congresses, but especially the administrations of these agencies built on political appointies who bring in their own political ideology administrations to run them, and the last decade has brought about the same that was found by us returning from Vietnam, only now we've had Two Theaters of Occupation they sent Soldiers into.

If you would like to watch and listen you can click on this link to bring up the House Player for the archived hearing, and you should be able to read the opening statements at the site link above.

While at the House Veterans Site I caught a hearing that is scheduled for today, 5.20.09, The Growing Needs of Women Veterans: Is the U.S.Department of Veterans Affairs Ready?

Their is no information, other than the subject title of the hearing, at the site. Nothing on who may be testifying nor if it will be streamed, it is a Full Committee Hearing. It takes place at 10AM this morning and isn't listed on C-Span nether. Now yesterday afternoons hearing also wasn't listed to be streamed but it was as many went over to check and it came on. If you want to see if it will be you can use this link for the Player at 10am, I'm going to check, and hopefully they will be streaming this important hearing as well!!

UpDate: The hearing today, just above, was streamed but in audio so will probably be archived in same at same link. But one of the women soldiers, now veteran, who testified has a post up at VetVoice:

The Growing Needs of Women Veterans: Is the VA Ready? by: Kayla Williams author of "Love My Rifle More than You: Young and Female in the U.S. Army"

This morning, I was honored to speak on the Hill. I've touched on some of the same themes before, and will continue to push the importance of addressing the needs of women veterans. I'd love to hear your .........

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