Tuesday, July 30, 2013

ND Flaring Nearly $3.6M in Gas Daily Some $1bil. Plus a Year

Meanwhile fracking continues, more states joining in to allow, along with everything else related to the fossil fuel industry!

New Report: North Dakota Natural Gas Flaring More Than Doubles in Two Years
Ceres' Analysis Shows North Dakota Oil Industry Burned Off $1 Billion of Natural Gas in 2012; Industry Now Flares $3.6 Million Each Day

Jul 29, 2013 - The tremendous growth of unconventional oil production in North Dakota has also led to a rapid rise in the production of associated natural gas and natural gas liquids. A new Ceres report reveals that large and growing volumes of this gas are being burned off rather than sold, creating significant economic and environmental impacts.

The new report, Flaring Up, analyzes oil and gas production data published by the North Dakota Industrial Commission and calculates that volumes of flared gas more than doubled between May 2011 and May 2013. In 2012 alone, flaring resulted in the loss of approximately $1 billion in fuel and the greenhouse gas emissions equivalent of adding nearly one million cars to the road.

The report projects that, without large-scale mitigation effort on behalf of industry and regulators, flaring will continue to grow over the next several years, despite calls from investors, policymakers and community members to curb the economically inefficient and environmentally harmful practice. read more>>>

And this report is related mostly to only one state North Dakota and the Natural Gas extracted from the fracking taking place there!

Flaring Up: ND flaring nearly $3.6M in gas daily

The damage in many area's and society issues and costs from, below and above ground, are to numerous to list and are costing right now and will continue far into the future!

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