Sunday, April 03, 2005

'Culture of Life' is a Culture of Fear

[The main Hypocrisy of this 'Culture of Life' is that None who Preach It Practise what they are Preaching completely, they pick and choose that which doesn't Interfere with the way 'They' want to live their Individual Lives!!J.S.]

Published on Friday, April 1, 2005 by
'Culture of Life' is a Culture of Fear
by Ira Chernus

The tragic case of Terri Schiavo writes a new chapter in the ongoing American saga that is often titled “the culture war.” It’s no longer just about a so-called “right to life.” The Christian right insists that it’s about a “culture of life.” They’ve been waving that slogan around for years. Now mainstream America is getting used to it. Those of us who actively oppose the Christian right had better get used it, too. We’re going to be hearing a lot about this “culture of life” from now on.
“Culture of LIFE?” we ask, with justified outrage. These same people who claim to be the guardians of life are the first to demand the death penalty for murderers, indiscriminate bombing for Afghanis, Iraqis, and anyone else they don't like, etc., etc. The hypocrisy is so blatant, it hardly seems worth spelling out the details.
SNIP Rest Of Article At Above URL

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