Saturday, April 02, 2005

Re: Veterans Group Calls on Congress to Impeach George W. Bush and Richard Cheney - The Letter

March 19, 2005

Dear Representative,
On the second anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Iraq, this letter is being sent on behalf of Veterans For Peace (VFP), a national organization of military veterans, to appeal for Congressional action to remove George W. Bush and Richard Cheney from the offices of President and Vice-President of the United States, respectively.
We do not make this call lightly and as former members of the U.S. armed forces, we take our responsibilities as citizens very seriously. For that reason we believe that when our government conducts a war of aggression on Iraq and commits a growing and appalling series of what must legally be considered war crimes and crimes against humanity in the execution of that war, it violates Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, the War Crimes Act of 1996 (18 U.S.C. § 2441), and numerous international treaties which are legally binding on our nation.
Seeing this happen, and understanding all too well the suffering it is causing and will continue to cause among our soldiers, their families, the people of Iraq, and the fabric of both our societies, we cannot stand by in complicit silence.
If you will read the relevant sections of the Nuremberg Principles, the Geneva Conventions, and the other treaties this administration has violated (see attached), you will be left with only one conclusion: that this administration’s war on Iraq, in addition to being increasingly unpopular among Americans, is an unmistakable violation of our Constitution and federal law which you have sworn to uphold.
In our system, the remedy for such high crimes is clear: this administration must be impeached. We urge you as sincerely and solemnly as possible, to begin impeachment proceedings against President Bush and Vice-President Cheney in the House of Representatives and follow that with a trial in the Senate. In the name of humanity we beseech and direct you to act.

Most Urgently,
David Cline, President VFP

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