Sunday, April 03, 2005

Shared Sacrifice

Shared Sacrifice
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Once upon a time in America, when our country was at war, all citizens -- from the top to the bottom -- shared in the sacrifice. In World War II, millions served in the military. Back home, they took care to save, so that there would be enough for the military men and women at the front. Even the wealthiest Americans served in uniform, and those who didn't paid their far share in taxes.
The 2006 Budget gives us only false choices. Undersecretary of Defense, David Chu recently claimed that providing for the widows and orphans of those killed in action hurts our ability to defend our nation.
Widows and veterans ... "are taking away from the nation's ability to defend itself," says David Chu, the Pentagon's undersecretary for personnel and readiness.
- The Wall Street Journal
The 2006 Budget:
• Cuts food assistance for the poor, including soldiers' families
• Cuts 100,000 preschoolers from Head Start
• Eliminates most subsidized housing
• Cuts education
• Cuts protection for the environment
• Raised fees and copayments for disabled veterans

• Cuts taxes for the wealthiest Americans
Tell Congress all Americans should share the sacrifice for our nation.

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