Thursday, January 19, 2006

First Gulf War still claims lives

First Gulf War still claims lives

Fifteen years ago today, Operation Desert Storm began, first with an air war, then a Feb. 23 allied ground attack that steamrolled across Iraq in four days.
The initial casualties were few. But they continue. They have drawn the attention of members of Congress, and now one Washington senator believes they demand further investigation.
Graft From Report:

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An Army death, and a family left in the dark

Peggy Buryj asked everyone she could to help find out the details of her son's last hours. She even asked President Bush when she and other grieving parents met with him during a campaign stop in hotly contested Ohio. He promised to look into it. Soon afterward, she said, his campaign called and asked her to appear in a commercial for him, but she declined.Months went by with no clarification. "We had a lot of questions," said Amber Buryj, 22, Jesse Buryj's bride of seven months. "We were left in the dark."

How to Support the Troops

What do Howard Dean, Garry Trudeau, Paul Newman, and Denzel Washington have in common? They have all contributed, and encouraged their supporters to contribute, to an organization called Fisher House, which provides free or low-cost housing at or near military and Veterans’ hospitals so that the relatives of servicemen wounded in the Iraq War can be near them during their treatment and rehabilitation.
I learned about Fisher House from relatives, who forwarded to me a steaming e-mail sent by a friend whom the relatives described as a very nice person, but extremely conservative.
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