Thursday, January 26, 2006

IAVA Anounces Launch of PAC - And.......

The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans political movement has begun and they need your help!

Today, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Political Action Committee ( IAVA PAC ) announced its launch. Although IAVA PAC is a separate organization from IAVA Action Fund, it embodies the same principles that attracted you to become a supporter of IAVA Action Fund.

IAVA PAC is the first and only political action committee headed by an Iraq Vet, Jon Soltz, strictly to benefit Iraq Veterans running for office. General Wesley Clark will be leading the Board of Advisors. IAVA PAC is not tied to the Washington establishment nor does it endorse either party. Please visit IAVA PAC's website - - and sign up, so you can receive updates from them, and consider making a donation. IAVA PAC has set a high fundraising goal for its inaugural week -- $25,000. They need your help!

Your investment in IAVA PAC will go towards funding a wide array of activities. IAVA PAC will provide support and training for qualified candidates and their campaigns, give them an immediate influx of money, and reach out to every voter. They will be running hard hitting television ads that tout these candidates, and take those to task that voted for the war but against the Troops and Veterans.

Many of you have written to us requesting that IAVA Action Fund get involved in political races, to help insure that Veterans of the current conflicts make it into office. Because of our tax status, we are not able to. IAVA PAC represents what you were hoping for - an organization that follows the core principles of IAVA Action Fund, but is more directly involved in election activities.

IAVA PAC's slogan is "Support the Troops - Send them to Congress!" If you believe in that sentiment, please visit IAVA PAC today!

Thank you for your support,

Paul Rieckhoff
Iraq Veteran and Executive Director
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Action Fund

Peoples Video - Break the Corporate Media Blockade
PVN is pleased to announce the launch of Peoples Video TV. We now have a wide selection of video podcasts available on line, covering a wide variety of topics, including Ramsey Clark speaking on the war in Iraq, coverage of the TWU strike and support rallies, community organizing in reponse to Katrina, and many more.
We are a group of media activists who video and audio podcast, and produce and edit dvd's and videos about issues the corporate media will not touch. In our archives are hundreds of dvd's and videos documenting the struggle. (To see a complete list of videos available for order, go to Peoples Video ) We have sent correspondents to the Lacondon Jungle, Haiti, Russia, Cuba, Korea, New Orleans, Puerto Rico, South Africa, and Iraq. Our goal is to break the information blockade of big business media.

Member: Veterans For Peace
VFP 'Declaration Of Impeachment'
Sign On and Pass Link To Others

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