Sunday, January 29, 2006

NAACP on Filibuster

Senate Urged to Reject Judge Alito Nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court

NAACP President says filibuster should not be ruled out to block the nomination

January 27, 2006

Bruce S. Gordon, President & CEO, the NAACP, today said that every parliamentary means available to the U.S. Senate, including the filibuster, should be used to defeat the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Samuel Alito.
“Judge Alito has a track record that is clear and consistent. He does not support the underlying principles of the civil rights movement. I genuinely believe that the people represented by the NAACP are at risk if he becomes an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.”

Gordon said: “There are people who claim to support civil rights and social justice in this country. Shame on them if they are unwilling to match their words with their deeds. Shame on them if they are unwilling to take the right steps when we need them the most. Shame on those who pass on the opportunity to demonstrate courage and commitment instead of comfort and convenience. Through their actions they make themselves eligible to receive the NAACP Badge of Shame that our members will deliver to them in the next 24 hours.“

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