Friday, January 13, 2006

Proof Bush Deceived America

Backdoor Draft, Back Again
For more than 800 members of the Army's Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), the most memorable part of the holiday season was a surprise stocking-stuffer from the United States Army. It came in the form of a blue and white Western Union Mailgram that ordered them to report for active duty in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

General Wesley Clark and Kentucky Iraq War Vet Discuss Bush Speech in Louisville
1/11/2006 2:51:00 PM
Listen In To Conferance Call

Proof Bush Deceived America
Ray McGovern
January 13, 2006

Memos Show Military Opposition to Torture Policy
Memos indicate that even military units at Guantanamo Bay pushed back against the department's efforts to use new, aggressive tactics against detainees during the facility's first year. The military's top lawyers also warned that the approval of such tactics could lead to abuse and unlawful conduct.

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