Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Arlington West

Light A Candle For
Peace, Tolerance, Understanding
and For The Children - Innocence Lost!

Dave at AfterDowningStreet on His Visit
Arlington West
Submitted by davidswanson on Tue, 2006-01-31 09:20. Media
By David Swanson
Every Sunday on Santa Monica Beach, as on four other beaches in California, crosses (and a few stars and crescents) are set up, one for every US soldier who has died in Iraq. I went out to see Arlington West in Santa Monica on Sunday. Here's My Photo Album.

Iraq says treating 12 possible human bird flu cases
SULAIMANIYA, Iraq (Reuters) - Officials in northern Iraq said on Tuesday they were treating 12 patients suspected of having bird flu as a World Health Organization (WHO) team prepared to travel to the area to give urgent assistance

How The Party Of Strong[?] Defense [Extremely Bloated Defense Budgets=Corruption] SUPPORTS THE TROOPS!!
Veterans' health costs could soar
"They said they'd take care of us if we served our time, and now instead of taking care of us they are trying to charge us," Everson, of Appleton, president and interim treasurer of the Fox Valley Vietnam Veterans Association, said Sunday

Military Officers Association of America

The Retired Enlisted Association

Association of the United States Army

Opinion:Adam McKay: False Patriotism [Another Vet the Freeper/Sheep/Trolls Can Verbally Spit On, as They SUPPORT The Troops{?}!!!]
Adam, putting Truth to Reality!!
Adam McKay: Adam McKay: False Patriotism

"served with plenty of troops who are pro-Bush and pro-Iraq war. For the most part they were the majority. I had respect for them despite our disagreements because those troops put their money where their mouth is. They have definitely earned their right to an opinion. Just as I have earned mine.
About a year ago I contacted an old friend of mine who belongs to the Philadelphia Young Republicans. I asked him how many in his group had served. He replied that he thinks that one of them served in Kosovo back in the late 90s. It seems like there is a lot of "false patriotism" going around these days. The hefty amount of "flag waving" and "chest beating" is not balancing out the low recruitment levels."
Adam McKay: False Patriotism

Baghdad Burning - Riverbend
... I'll meet you 'round the bend my friend, where hearts can heal and souls can mend...
Thursday, February 02, 2006

Election Results...
Iraqi election results were officially announced nearly two weeks ago, but it was apparent from the day of elections which political parties would come out on top. I’m not even going to bother listing the different types of election fraud witnessed all over Iraq- it’s a tedious subject and one we’ve been discussing for well over a month.

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