Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The End

{Rapidly Running, After Starting In The Late 80's Early 90's, After 'Democracy' Stopped With The Supremes, Since Than We Are Witness!}

The End
VCS Board of Directors member and Iraq War veteran David DeBatto writes "what we are witnessing here with this blatant shredding of one the most important of our constitutional guarantees, is the beginning of the end of the republic. Make no mistake about it. When a sitting administration, through it’s highest officials, willfully, knowingly and arrogantly violates the laws of the land as well as the sacred trust it has with the American public, then the end of the government as we know it is right around the corner."

"Formerly no one was allowed to think freely; now it is permitted, but no one is capable of it any more. Now people want to think only what they are supposed to think, and this they consider freedom.": Oswald Spengler - (1880-1936) Source: The Decline of the West, 1926

Cowardly Lions
by Emily Bazelon, Slate
Yesterday's NSA hearings showed Congress standing up to the White House and then running away from the fight.

"A people may prefer a free government, but if, from indolence, or carelessness, or cowardice, or want of public spirit, they are unequal to the exertions necessary for preserving it; if they will not fight for it when it is directly attacked; if they can be deluded by the artifices used to cheat them out of it; if by momentary discouragement, or temporary panic, or a fit of enthusiasm for an individual, they can be induced to lay their liberties at the feet even of a great man, or trust him with powers which enable him to subvert their institutions; in all these cases they are more or less unfit for liberty: and though it may be for their good to have had it even for a short time, they are unlikely long to enjoy it." -- John Stuart Mill, Representative Government, 1861

A War Too Far
by Tom Porteous, TomPaine.com
Bush's escalation of his war against terrorists into a war against the "evil ideology" of radical Islam may trigger a clash of civilizations.

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty." -- John Adams, 1772

Iraq war vets enter U.S. political fray
"Having military experience is a great resume item, but it does not automatically make someone a good candidate," said Carl Forti, spokesman for the House Republican campaign committee. "It takes a lot more to be a credible candidate than one strong resume point."
{56 Iraq Veterans are Now Running for Various Fed/State Political Offices Around the Country for 2006 Elections, All 56 are Democrats!!}

Number Of Iraqi civilians Slaughtered In America's War 100,000 +

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Slaughtered (Officially acknowledged) In Bush's War 2252

The War in Iraq Costs $239,040,972,605 See the cost in your community

There is absolutely nothing to be said for government by a plutocracy, for government by men very powerful in certain lines and gifted with 'a money touch,' but with ideals which in their essence are merely those of so many glorified pawnbrokers:

Theodore Roosevelt

Dog of war builds £62m business on Iraq
Modern mercenary company financially doing well thanks to the Iraq war.

"A nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master, and deserves one!": Alexander Hamilton

OP-ED Customs `camps' cause for concern
Considering what took place in Nazi Germany, as well as the shameful incarceration of Japanese-Americans in 1942, no detention camp should be built without the widest possible public scrutiny.

"The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded.": Charles-Louis De Secondat - (1689-1755) Baron de Montesquieu - Source: The Spirit of the Laws, 1748

Prof. Strauss and the neocon takeover

By Jim Silva

Have you seen the latest blockbuster? Like Star Wars, it's classic good verses evil - a power hungry dictator plotting to seize control of a goodly Republic. The twist is it's for adults. Ones who know reality is stranger than fiction. You guessed it! This epic thriller is actually your life, and it's called "The Fall of the Republic - Sleeping Through the Revolution." Here's a behind the scenes look:


"If Everyone In This Country Lost A Brother/Sister, A Son/Daughter Or Grandson/Grandaughter, Things Would Be Very Different"


Vietnam War History 101:

"The Only Glory In War, Is In The Imagination Of Those Who Were Never There"


Every Bomb dropped in Iraq Explodes over New Orleans and the Gulf Coast!!
CIVIC {Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict} is a Washington-based nonprofit organization founded by Marla Ruzicka, who was killed on April 16, 2005 by a suicide bomb in Baghdad while advocating for the families of Iraqi civilians killed and injured in the conflict. CIVIC believes that civilian casualties should be counted and their families assisted by the governments responsible, and is working to identify victims and help their families.

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