Sunday, February 12, 2006

Katrina Homeless To Be 'Evicted' By 'GunPoint' If Needed!!

As Friend, and Fellow VFP Member, Stan Goff States "Happy Valentines Day"!!

New Orleans IndyMedia

On Monday, February 13th, the New Orleans homeless population will skyrocket, and the survivors of Katrina will be victimized again. FEMA's short-term hotel program expires for most of the 26,000 displaced hurricane survivors and most of these evacuees have not been provided with long-term, or even transitional housing solutions. The National Guard is even on call to evict these survivors at gun point.

Stan Goff: Source National Guard Troops
The Federal Eviction Management Agency (FEMA) & The Louisiana National Guard

The National Guard is now being employed to assist the extremely sketchy New Orleans Police with these hotel evictions; and some of the troops don't like it a bit.
Said this distressed young man on the telephone, "This is f***ing unbelievable. We were given an operations order to herd our fellow New Orleanians onto buses like cattle or convicts in the middle of the night. They weren't even allowed to pcik up their belongings. We [the National Guard] were responsible to inventory their stuff and bag it up."
There is a really big New Orleans round-up scheduled, he advised me, on Monday night, February 13th.
Happy Valentine's Day.

The Land of 10,770 Empty FEMA Trailers

Far from the victims of Katrina for whom they are meant, legions of wide-bodied mobile homes sit empty at Hope's Municipal Airport, a sprawling former military base. After all these months, storm victims can't seem to get the trailers, which are proving a mixed blessing to Hope and Arkansas.

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