Sunday, February 05, 2006

Plame Was Covert When Outed!!

You get a 'Warrant' on Probable Cause, WireTap Away! You 'WireTap' without a 'Warrant' It's A Felony!

You Attempt For A 'Warrant' and Court finds 'No Probable Cause' and Refuses but you Proceed anyway It's A Felony of Extreme and Calls for Extreme Measures of Investigation and Possible Conviction with Severe Sentencing To The Max!!!!!

Rumsfeld, Cheney Wanted Warrantless Wiretaps in 70's

An intense debate erupted during former US President Gerald Ford's administration over the president's powers to eavesdrop without warrants to gather foreign intelligence.


Top Republican: Bush's Domestic Spying Program Illegal


Americans Spied On In "Terrorist Surveillance" Program, Nearly All Cleared As Suspects


CIA "Was Making Specific Efforts To Conceal" Plame's Covert Status When Outed


From Those Who Swear by Freedom
Brian Conley and Isam Rashid


John K. White: The Death of a Presidency


William O. Beeman: United States Instigated Iran's Nuclear Program 30
Years Ago


A Nation Addicted to Oil -- and Debt



"Every Bomb dropped in Iraq Explodes over New Orleans and the Gulf Coast!!"


"If Everyone In This Country Lost A Brother/Sister, A Son/Daughter Or Grandson/Grandaughter, Things Would Be Very Different"


Vietnam War History 101:

"The Only Glory In War, Is In The Imagination Of Those Who Were Never There"

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