Monday, June 12, 2006

"Imagine a world in which you were;"

"Imagine a world in which you were unable to write;
imagine a world in which you were unable to read;
imagine a world in which you were unable to look at any pictures;
imagine a world in which you were unable to hear any music;
imagine a world where you knew nothing of other cultures so you did not know where you wanted to travel or if you wanted to travel;
imagine a world in which you could not imagine, in which there were no novels or plays, there was no science fiction, there was no poetry.
Imagine a world in which there were no values, in which the words love, justice, equality, right, wrong, good and evil did not exist.
Imagine a world in which there were no theodicies.
Finally, imagine such a world without all these things. That would be a world without the humanities."
Kate Stimpson, "The Humanities in Everyday Life," in Hilda Smith, ed., The Humanities and Civic Responsibility (Washington, D.C.: Council of Chief State School Officers, 1986), 33-47.

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