What will you be doing?
If nothing else Keep 'Darfur' in mind All Day, along with All that is happening on the Extreme Negative 'WorldWide'!!
This Sunday hundreds of thousands of people will take part in the Global Day for Darfur. Human Rights First has been at the center of organizing the Global Day – and has mobilized our network to organize 53 events in 37 countries, from Australia to Zambia.
This universal call for peace in Darfur could not come at a better time. The U.N. Security Council recently voted in favor of sending U.N. peacekeeping forces to Darfur, but this resolution fell far short of what is needed. The resolution called for the establishment of a U.N. peacekeeping force for Darfur, but this initiative was immediately rejected by the Sudanese government. In recent weeks violence in Darfur has escalated and the humanitarian crisis has become more dire. Senior U.N. officials are calling Darfur a looming “catastrophe” and a “disaster.”
Read below to find out how you can make your voice heard and help stop the killings in Darfur.
Human Rights First
Maureen Byrnes
Take Part in A Day for Darfur - A Call for Peace
53 events in 37 countries – a single day, a single purpose.
Even though a U.N. resolution calling for peacekeeping forces passed earlier this month at the Security Council, the situation in Darfur has continued to deteriorate. The Sudanese government has launched a new military campaign; continues to reject the deployment of U.N. forces; and has threatened to eject African Union forces by the end of September, when their current mandate ends.
This Sunday, September 17, caring people around the world will join the call for an end to the mass murder in Darfur. From small candlelight vigils to mass concerts, citizens of the world will show the United Nations, their governments, and Sudan that they are paying attention and demand a peaceful resolution.
We hope you will join in the call for peace. Go to Day for Darfur to see a list of cities where events are happening in the United States and around the world. We also urge you to wear a blue hat this Sunday. Blue hats are the internationally recognized icon of U.N. peacekeeping forces - wearing a blue hat shows your support for civilian protection. Finally, you can also "virtually" wear a blue hat- go to Day for Darfur -Virtual Blue Hat to add a UN blue beret to a photo of yourself and post it in our gallery.
Join Me to Help Save Darfur
The U.N. secretary-general asks for help in pressuring Sudan to accept more international troops.
TOMORROW, SEPT. 17, people around the world will be taking part in a "Global Day for Darfur" to show support for the people of Darfur and to put pressure on governments to protect innocent civilians. They are right, and I hope their call will be heard.
After the "G Word," Then What?
"Some people call it genocide, some people call it ethnic cleansing, some people call it civil war, some people call it none of the above. Whatever it is, it's a desperate situation which requires the urgent attention of the world."
Nobel Laureates Ask Youth to Push Peace
Nobel Peace Prize laureates criticized the United States and the Bush administration Friday as they kicked off the PeaceJam conference in Denver dedicated to calling the world's youth to action. "The rest of the world needs America, but it doesn't need the current model it is getting," said Mairead Maguire, a 1976 Peace Prize recipient from Northern Ireland.
War, Murder, Rape... All for Your Cell Phone
By Stan Cox, AlterNet
Everyone's heard about the human rights abuses in African gold and diamond mines. But when it comes to their ultra-cool, razor-thin cell phones, American consumers won't get the message.

in Washington, DC. © Amnesty International USA
We don't often do this, but we're leading today's Daily Headlines with an action alert. The beleaguered region of Darfur stands at a crossroads this weekend. Some would call it a precipice. The UN has agreed to send troops to protect the civilians caught up in the brutal conflict, but the Sudanese government has rejected that idea. Many believe only foreign governments, including China, Russia, and the United States, can convince Khartoum to let the UN troops in. So thousands--potentially millions--of regular people are rallying all over the world this weekend to tell their governments to use their "power to protect" to stop the conflict in Darfur. Will you be there?
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