There were some 3-400 people in attendance, rough count of my own, as many people were there almost all day, many people using the park stopped and listened to speakers for awhile, some folks came down from a wedding reception taking place behind us in one of the buildings for a short while, and some were coming and going all day from a craft fair , taking place on the other side of the hill from us and the wedding reception. For the Charlotte 'Red' area this was a well attended Rally, There were also some groups going through the city doing door to door Voter Registration, at the same time, who couldn't attend the all day Rally.
The only complaint I would have about this Rally was the fact that they placed a few of the Keynote Speakers nearer the end, late in the day, such as 'Ann Wright' and 'Nadia McCaffery'. That's not to take away from the many speakers they did have on, they were all great, especially the Nationally know folks like Dave Swanson, AfterDowningStreet and the other sites he's a part of. The day was filled with Truth to The Evidence of the Countries Need to 'Impeach'!!
Below you will find a few of the photo's I took of the Area it was held at and the Rally.
Bandshell & Speakers Platform

These next few photo's show the 'Remember: Peace Ribbon' that was on display. It carries the names of 'The Fallen' and doesn't completely cover all of our Fallen, yet, as it's a work 'Sadly' still in progress being put together by the local 'Code Pink' organization.
Remember: Peace Ribbon

Peace Ribbon

Peace Ribbon

Peace Ribbon

This next photo, as labeled, is ePluribus Media, Daily KOS, and probably a number of others important sites, Very Own 'DEFuning' who I'm sure will be posting one hell of a better Diary then this one as she was not only taking other photo's she was also very busy doing, and taping, interviews. Add to that she was one of the main organizers of this action, the bunting you see in the pics belongs to her, as to setting up the Rally and taking it down at end, with a whole bunch more in between. And she's a writer, which I'm not;-}.
ePluribus Media Very Own 'DEFuning'

This banner is brand new and comes from the North Carolina Veterans For Peace Chapter 99, Asheville NC, and brought out for it's first showing at this Rally. Chapter 99 covers all Veterans and Associates of Veterans For Peace living in NC. Sam Foster, a member of Veterans For Peace, had a table set up, that stayed pretty busy all day, taking names etc. of Veterans, and others, interested in setting up a second VFP Chapter out of Charlotte and the surrounding area to give a second North Carolina Chapter to the VFP Growing Organization.
New VFP Chapter99 Banner

Now we 'Really' know about coulter ;c}
rush Admits It Banner

Iraq Truth Banner

As 'We' have joined Those that 'We' once condemned, with the 'Congressional Torture Bill', this pic spoke Truth to the New Reality!
New Amerika After Sept 28th 06

There was a very large presence of Youngsters at the Rally. Most were what many in their own generation and especially in the older generations would consider outcasts, or misfits, as most there, a couple of bands and their many friends, are called 'Punkers' and dress as. Gee what does that previous description bring to mind to many, lets see, how about 'Hippies'!!
As I go to more and more of these Actions, right from the beginning of the Tragic Events that started taking place after 9/11, and meet and talk to these kids, I find they most certainly 'Outcasts' or 'Misfits' of this society. These kids are extremely energetic, extremely pissed off about the direction of this country and extremely involved! Their music speaks volumes about their feelings, their organizational qualities are second to none, and the idea's for Peace thy bring to the table are well thought out and intelligent actions, and Boy Do They Care, not only about each other but of the Country they are being left with by us so called intelligent adults!!
If you haven't, when you meet them, engage them in conversation, you'll see what I mean.
Very Energentic Involved Youngsters of Today

Ann Wright & David Swanson

Summer's son died in Iraq, not in Combat or on Patrol, but under Very Mysterous Circumstance's, in his bed. The Military, while at first were telling her it was a Drug Overdose, with her fighting to put truth to her sons death has Now Been Informed, after months of fighting, that No Drugs Were Found in the Autopsy given her son, apparently Another bush/rummy Lie, and No Cause Still Has Been Given To His Passing!!
Summer Lipford

You can view the above, better, and more of the photo's at the link just below:
Last week Charlotte held another Rally, in the evening, with permit till midnight, for 'Human Rights'. This Rally, after an attempt by an off duty Charlotte Police Officer to shut it down , around 11PM, was them busted up by a Contingent of called in Police Officers with Violence, by them, putting one kid in the hospital and others being taised, and the arrest of five of the Rally participants.
You can read a Charlotte Observer report of this Anti-war protest breaks the peace at this link.
Or you can read the other view in this writeup Cops brutally attack Human Rights Fest in uptown Charlotte at the local Action Center For Justice blogspot.
I wasn't in attendance at this 'Human Rights Fest', but from the way it's been reported, notice the Title of the Observer article, and every report I've seen or heard from the local MSM had it tagged as an 'Anti-War' Rally with no mention of 'Human Rights'. As well as a local TV News stations interview with a police spokesperson who was having trouble putting a description to What Exactly Happened, 'm inclined to go along with what I've found out from those who were in attendance and got attacked. Unless they All somehow got together and were able to get everyone to tell the exact same thing, their descriptions Do Not Follow what the local MSM or Police are trying to paint this as!!
Now below you will find a report I heard, this morning, on one of the local News Channel I had on, as to yesterdays 'Impeachment Rally. Notice again the 'Title', and they were tying into the incident of last week using similar wording in the live onair report. The report linked was on top of their site when I visited
No problems reported at war protest in Charlotte
I quickly went to their station site and sent the, quickly while being Pissed, message below to them through their online Contact Information. This isn't the first time I've done this especially as to local news reports and especially as to purposely miss labeling the story lines and the stories. I've already stopped watching the other two local channel news shows because of exactly the way they report, not only concerning the Pro-Peace actions, about ready to drop this one as well.
WCNC Charlotte
As a Long Time Viewer of your Daily and Evening News I'm asking that when Reporting on, Especially, Local News Stories that these Reports be Truthful.
Your reporting of what the downtown rally, last week, I wasn't there, that ended in injuries and arrests is Labeled Wrong! It was a 'Human Rights Fest' in Support of World Human Rights, not a Peace Rally!!
Than this morning, 10-1-06, you're reporting on that as a connection to yesterdays rally, in Freedom Park, I was there. That Rally was Not a Peace Rally but an 'Impeachment Rally' and Call for 'Impeachment' of this present Administration and Holding Those Accountable for the Wrong, and Dangerous, Direction they have taken this Country, leaving our National Security in More Danger than ever before!!
Please Report These Events Correctly, wether you or the oners Agree or Not!!
You're not the only local News Outlet doing this, and False, or Misleading, News Reports should not be Tolerated, Excepted, by professionals as yourselves!
Nice to meet you! has more pics - also on
Speaking of hippies, here is a video that shows that hippies still know how to have fun dispite all their time spent at protests:
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