Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Loser

William Rivers Pitt: The Loser

William Rivers Pitt writes: "George W. Bush is making some history of his own these days. When all is said and done, he will go into the books as the first American president to lose two wars at the same time."


Robert Scheer | Dear Leader Brings It On

"Over the past six years, our 'my way or the highway' president blew up a crucial nonproliferation agreement," writes Robert Scheer on US diplomacy with North Korea, "and then took every opportunity to personally insult the country's reportedly unstable dictator because it played well politically at home."

And More:

Ali al-Fadhily and Dahr Jamail | US Military "Turns Blind Eye to Killings"

Ali al-Fadhily and Dahr Jamail write that the US military is deliberately turning a blind eye to sectarian killings committed by government security forces in Iraq.

And Finally This:

Stephen Rohde | Military Commissions Act Shames the Constitution and Weakens America

Stephen Rohde writes: "The Military Commission Act is breathtaking in its denial of fundamental rights under the Constitution and international law. The law re-establishes virtually intact President Bush's military tribunals, which were rejected by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional."

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