Monday, November 06, 2006

End of the Neo-Cons

Nov. 5, 2006. 08:16 AM

"Every dogma has its day."
— Abraham Rotstein

"America! America! God mend thine ev'ry flaw;
Confirm thy soul in self-control, thy liberty in law!

— Katharine Lee Bates, "America The Beautiful" (1893)

Whether or not the Republicans lose control of one or both houses of the U.S. Congress on Tuesday, the neo-conservative vision that has guided American foreign policy since 2001 has run its course. The neo-cons' grand design lies in ruins, having accomplished nothing other than to shrink America's stature in the world.


FOCUS | William Rivers Pitt: The Rat Pack

William Rivers Pitt writes: "Ken Adelman, Michael Ledeen, Frank Gaffney and Richard Perle have spent many years waiting for the opportunity to road-test their wild ideas about how to deal with the world, and with the installation of the Bush administration, they finally got their big chance. Now that the wheels are coming off, however, they are trying to pretend that none of this has anything to do with them."

Signature: If the recent Lancet reports of 655,000 Iraqi deaths are true, a field of markers representing that tragedy 51’ wide (15.55 m) would be 21.14 miles (34.02 km) long.
(If markers were three feet apart in all directions, as in the Arlington Memorials around the Country)

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