Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Stress Wounds - PTSD

Stress Wounds

The face of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is changing.
Far from the misguided stereotype of a wheelchair-bound, unemployed, middle-aged man, today's veteran with PTSD looks more like Spc. Christopher Clayton of Hagerstown, like your next-door neighbor.

Soldier faces new battle with PTSD

He spent 18 months in Iraq, constantly wound up and never letting his guard down. When the veteran returned home to his family, the stress didn't disappear as easily as changing into civilian clothes.

The strength to find help:

A Vietnam veteran takes steps toward healing
Curtis Callender served in Vietnam. He went on to serve in the Army for an additional 25 years, retiring 15 years ago. It wasn't until less than a year ago, however, that he was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.


Masher1 said...

if you are talking PTSD You are talking DU contamination. DU and Toxic vaccines are at the root of all this PTSD talk. Look into Depeleted uranium effects on the modern war fighters.


Studying this issue for years i can tell you yu are being lied to Troop. Totaly lied to by the US Military doctors

Unknown said...

Masher, I appreciate your response but PTSD and DU {Depleted Uranium} are Two Differant Things, Very Differant!!

PTSD, especially War Theater, has been around as long as War has been!

DU is a modern form of Extreme Poisoning, after the Destruction the Ordinance causes!

We work in exposiing Both. My work in PTSD Activism has been since returning from 'Nam. DU Activism since we, and others, started the use of in the Ordinance of Destructive Wars!

Masher1 said...

Please don't get me Wrong i just see the numbers and if you try to relate this conflict to every other you will soon see that the PTSD numbers are be inflated to cover the DU effects. Sure there different and sure there not any 100% causal relationship but the numbers of troopers done in by PTSD in this conflict seem to be related to Shots and DU effects causing the inflated and quite high percentages of PTSD from whatever cause. I say the majority of the PTSD if properly screened and tested this would be clear. DU in conjunction with the vaccine programs reckless use of un-cleared boosters will turn out to be the Main (not only) PTSD cause.