Saturday, December 02, 2006

Democratic Radio Address-Jim Wallis

Yesterday Jim Wallis, of Sojourners sent out an e-mail letting everyone know that Senator Reid had contacted him requesting he give the Democratic weekly radio address, instead of a politician or for that matter a Democrat.
Below you have the link to what he wrote in his blog and than the link to the radio address given this morning.

Following is the text of the radio address I wrote about in yesterday's blog, which was broadcast this morning.
I'm Jim Wallis, author of God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It. I was surprised and grateful when Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid called to say his party wanted to set a new tone and invite, for the first time, a non-partisan religious leader to deliver their weekly radio address and speak about the values that could unite Americans at this critical time.
So, I want to be clear that I am not speaking for the Democratic Party, but as a person of faith who feels the hunger in America for a new vision of our life together, and sees the opportunity to apply our best moral values to the urgent problems we face. I am not an elected official or political partisan, but a religious leader who believes that real solutions must transcend partisan politics. For too long, we have had a politics of blame and fear, while America is eager for a politics of solutions and hope. It is time to find common ground by moving to higher ground.

Download audio of the radio address

My hope is that by this reachout first step, before they take control of both houses of Congress, that this is the Tone that both the House and the Senate will be Striving to Achieve, and that they stay that course, no matter what they face.

For I'm sure not many in the opposition, who haven't seen the reality of what they have allowed, will follow this lead. Instead I feel there will be a strong effort on some of them, and their talking heads, think tanks, to find the rovian spin in their attempts to bring down Any and All Partison wants and efforts!

Lets hope more will have seen the light, but following the election the rethoric hasn't shown thus so far!

I will say that Investigations - Hearings MUST take place, in a number of area's. And if those Investigations provide even more than is already known, enough already out here, than the Congress MUST proceed in the Right Direction of the Constitution and Laws of this land, or we can finally Kiss this Ideology and Form of Government Good-Bye!!

And what we leave for those behind us will not Come Close to what our Fathers/Mothers had Left Us to build on!

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