Monday, April 23, 2007

Reid is Right

Like Juan Williams said:

NPR's Juan Williams told Kristol, "Most Americans think we should have never gone in [to Iraq], so he's speaking in a voice that represents the majority of the American people."

As Sen. Reid said himself, because that's what a Representative, Of The People, is supposed to do!

Party affiliation, especially in the Peoples House and Senate, that's why states are divided into districts and each district Hires someone to Represent them in the House and we have Senators, is pushed down the line.

For when Elected {Hired} the Representative Represents all in their districts. Those from the same Political Party, who may or may not have voted for them. The Independants who may or may not have voted for them. The other political party who may or may not have voted for them. And all those who didn't bother to vote, they still are Represented!

If one is to Represent, Only, on a one political ideology line and rubber stamp that one political ideology, one had better have been 'Hired' by a Huge Majority of voters from Represented District!

And the Bozo wanna-be Dictator, those that are pulling his strings, and their propagandist talking heads, Are Wrong:

"I will strongly reject an artificial timetable (for) withdrawal and/or Washington politicians trying to tell those who wear the uniform how to do their job," the president said.

Sorry, from a 'Nam Vet, the politicians aren't the ones trying to micro - manage your Illegal War, the People are telling you Your War Is Lost and Has Cost Way To Many Lives, American Military and Innocent Iraqi's, Children, Women, and Men, for your Twisted Ego and the Ego's of those who controll you!!

You don't understand that the job of a President, is to Lead according to our Constitution, and Lead this Country in a Direction of Moral Example above how others lead the many other Countries that make up this Planet.

By 'Our Moral Example' others follow, when heading in a Negative Moral Example others join forces against and place our nation Alone!

You see Our Democracy works like this:

Looking beyond Bush's expected veto, he {Reid} said, "If the president disagrees, let him come to us with an alternative. Instead of sending us back to square one with a veto, some tough talk and nothing more, let him come to the table in the spirit of bipartisanship that Americans demand and deserve."

But you'll never get it, neither will those that control you, for you all are no differant than the demi-gods who came before you, and there is no better way to do what they tried and now you all have followed thinking you could do it better!


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