Thursday, May 24, 2007

Fort Carson - Deja Vu All Over Again - PTSD {Updated}

I happened to catch the followup to Daniel Zwerdings previous reports about the treatment of Combat Soldiers returning from Iraq and Afganistan and Fighting the Demons, better known as PTSD!

With all we now know about what Combat can do to many of those who serve We Haven't Learned A Damn Thing.

What is going on is Exactly what happened after Vietnam when there was finally a Name given to the Condition of what War can do to many minds, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and what has happened after Every Conflict this Nations Military Personal have fought in!

The Military, and Nation, is Once Again trying to sweep this out of sight, just as they do to those who do Serve, Out Of Sight Out Of Mind!

Gaps in Mental Care Persist for Fort Carson Soldiers

by Daniel Zwerdling
All Things Considered, May 24, 2007 · Six months ago, an NPR investigation found that leaders at Fort Carson, Colo., were punishing some soldiers who returned from war with serious mental health problems — and were preventing them from getting the treatment they needed. In some cases, officers kicked the soldiers out of the Army.
Those stories sparked ongoing investigations of the post, including one by a bipartisan group of U.S. senators and another by Pentagon officials.
SNIP: Read Rest at Link

Snipped Above As It Ends With This:
NPR recounted Knorr's comments for Dr. Xenakis. "It really saddens me" to hear that policy, Xenakis said. "It's inhumane."

Gen. Robert Mixon says the Army will take disciplinary action against supervisors who mistreat soldiers with mental health problems.
Mixon: Army will Take 'Disciplinary Action' Against Leaders Who Show Bias Against Mentally Anguished Soldiers - Listen

Command Sgt. Maj. Terrance McWilliams at Fort Carson says he has verbally reprimanded a few supervisors for their treatment of soldiers with mental health issues.
Williams: Soldiers' War Experiences Can't Be 'Justification for Breaking Law'


Checking In on Fort Carson, Part II


by Daniel Zwerdling
All Things Considered, May 24, 2007 · Problems at Fort Carson in Colorado, where soldiers were punished despite showing symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and other conditions, prompted the base's commanders to vow that soldiers would get the help they need.


Suicidal and Facing a Third Tour of Iraq

Aaron Glantz SAN FRANCISCO, May 15 (IPS) - At the beginning of May, Corporal Cloy Richards tried to kill himself....
His mother says he has knee and arm injuries, as well as post-traumatic stress disorder, and currently has a claim pending with the Army for a traumatic brain injury.
“It’s something that affects us every single day,” Tina said, “when he’s 23 years old and he can’t even climb the stairs. He has bad nightmares where he thinks he’s back in Iraq.”

New guidelines released by the Pentagon in December allow commanders to redeploy soldiers suffering from traumatic stress disorders.

Seal told IPS that patients under her care have been deployed despite serious mental health conditions.

In addition, according to recent report by Linda Bilmes of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, waiting lists for returning veterans are “so long as to effectively deny treatment to a number of veterans.”

So, what we don't have is enough mental health care for veterans in these rural communities when they come home."

"The problem is that traumatic brain injury, which is an anatomic, physiologic problem, sort of intermingles with post-traumatic stress disorder," Dr. William Schecter, the chief of surgery at San Francisco General Hospital, explained to IPS. "This is going to be a lifelong challenge for the individuals who have suffered these injuries."


Soldiers, Families Paying Price of Iraq War
In a follow-up to his report on the financial costs of the war, NewsHour economics correspondent Paul Solman looks into who in America is paying the price.
Listen To Report
Read transcript at title link

Maps Of War
Moving Map of the Occupations from BC to AD!


And where is the 'Supplemental Going?' Well a good chuck of it flows into the hands of the Pampered and War Profitteers, that is when they have enough Military bodies to guard the convoys, in theater, to reach the Gated Communities of the Upper Crust.

Word is the pool lounge chairs have been off limits due to a few mortars, poor babies, oh well it is a WAR!

Taste of Home Runs Low in Iraq
Complications Hold Up Embassy Food Convoys
Congress and the White House may be sparring over funds for the U.S. effort in Iraq, but the mint chocolate chip is still flowing at the embassy in Baghdad. At least for now.

"We've run out of some things," Sreebny said. "I miss my yogurt in the morning and my fresh-cut melon."

"This has happened before, in terms of convoys," Sreebny said, although "this one may be a little bit longer than in the past. Then the food comes and we all gorge ourselves on apples and oranges and bananas again."

Yep to that last, while their counterparts here in the States, don't complain about the rising cost of fuel for their safe{?} suv's {as they tailgate and talk on their cells}, and don't forget that travel to those leasure time moments and showing themselves in their finest at the malls.

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