Monday, June 04, 2007

Army to Re-Examine Son's Death

Investigation re-opened in soldier's death

07:20 AM EDT on Monday, June 4, 2007


Summer Lipford and her son Steven Sirko

At one headstone at Statesville’s Oakwood Cemetery, a candle always shines.

“Every day, every day, I come every day. I have to,” said Summer Lipford.

It’s her way to honor her son, Steven Sirko.

“I just know it was hysteria when I found out my son had died,” said Lipford.

On April 17, 2005, Sirko mysteriously died while serving as an Army medic in Iraq. The original ruling of the cause of death was a self-inflicted narcotics overdose.

“There was no doubt in my mind that Steven did not use drugs,” said Lipford.

An autopsy later backed up those instincts – no trace of drugs was found in Sirko’s system. However, a year later, Lipford said the Army told her he accidentally injected himself with a nerve agent. She believes her son was murdered.

“There was no doubt in mind that there were things we were not being told.”

This week, Lipford received word that the Army was reopening the investigation into Steven’s death.

“They were looking at some different evidence and they were going to be interviewing some different soldiers that they had not conducted an interview with, what that means I don't know,” said Lipford.

The news comes with a bit of relief.

“I'm hoping so much that they are telling me the truth and I'm hoping that this time I do get resolution,” she said.

For four years, Lipford has held onto her son’s dog tag.

“I told him that I would wear it until he got out of the Army, and I would never take it off and I’ve never taken it off.”

And for Lipford, time has no limits when it comes to justice for her son.

“I'll quit trying two minutes after I draw my last breath,” said Lipford.

Lipford has contacted several legislators about her son’s death, and she vows to keep this case in the spotlight. We were unable to contact anyone from the Army for comment.

Related Charlotte Observer Article

Mother: Army to re-examine son's death
She questioned his '05 death in Iraq amid unusual circumstances

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