Friday, June 15, 2007

Lets Talk Terrorism and Politics!

We, in our self righteous, so called christian nation, who's citizens grow more apathedic, not by the year no more, but by the day, as to whom shall rule this planet, should take a long hard look at our own history!

From our landing on these shores to the present day, we have been what are now loosely labeled terrorists all along, and we have exported our terror to many parts of this planet, I served in one of those terrorist actions on another little country that did nothing to us, and yet we killed and destroyed with abandon, and we're doing it again.

Here's a walk down memory lane. Why may you ask should we look at this, well we've hired the same mindsets, that once were and never went away, to leadership positions making policies, In Our Names, as we continue to allow this disgusting behavior to continue, holding no one accountable!

FBI Investigated Ga. Gov in Old Lynching

MONROE, Ga. (AP) -- Newly released files from the lynching of two black couples more than 60 years ago contain a disturbing revelation: The FBI investigated suspicions that a three-term governor of Georgia sanctioned the murders to sway rural white voters during a tough election campaign.

Have some, who seek what is called Power, changed over the years, I say not. One only needs to look back, over their own lives, to come up with numorous questionable occurrences that have vaulted some to the seats of power and leadership.

Racism has reared it's ugly head and not just white on black racism, but across the board. You see it in the double speak of many politicians, you see it in their supporters, you see it in everyday life, just look abit closer, it's all around.

Talmadge, who died just months after his 1946 election to a fourth term, dominated Georgia politics in the 1930s and 1940s with a mix of racism and pocketbook populism.

Sound familiar to alot of today's politics, does to me.

Votes from small rural counties played a crucial role in Georgia's elections then because primaries were decided by a "county unit system," similar to the electoral college, which minimized the impact of urban centers.

Why does 'similar to electoral college' ring a bell?

In fact, Talmadge's challenger, James V. Carmichael, actually received the most popular votes but lost the election because of Talmadge's strong support in rural areas.

The lynchings of Roger and Dorothy Malcom, and George and Mae Murray Dorsey on July 25, 1946, came eight days after the election and followed weeks of simmering tensions.

Malcom was waiting in jail when white farmer Loy Harrison paid $600 to bail him out.

Then the mob fired three volleys of bullets at the couples, leaving their dead bodies slumped behind in the dirt. One of the victims, Dorothy Malcom, was seven months' pregnant.
An outraged President Truman dispatched FBI agents to Monroe, about 45 miles east of Atlanta. But the local community - both white and black - clammed up.

Terrorism, Fear, seems to rule in the past and the present!

Eventually, the FBI identified 55 possible suspects, including George Hester, but no one was ever arrested. After a federal grand jury in December 1946 could not identify any members of the mob, the FBI retreated from the case.

The FBI previously released a 500-page summary of the case file, but the full file was only released this week after the AP appealed to the Justice Department for more than two years.
The Moore's Ford lynching is among about a dozen other unsolved cases from the civil rights era that the FBI has recently reopened but the bureau refused to comment on the ongoing investigation.

Local activists weren't shocked to learn that agents investigated Talmadge and the possibility of state employees being involved.

Does that little snip of the sentence also sound abit familiar to the present?

"It would not surprise me if state officials at all levels were implicated, if not in the actual killings, at least in the cover-up that followed," said Rich Rusk, secretary of the Moore's Ford Memorial Committee. "The conspiracy of silence wasn't just the fault of the local farmers. It was the entire culture, from the top down."

And that culture is once again very prevelent, it never went away, it actually expanded worldwide, in our political policies and business dealings!

"They had a right to feel the way that they did," he said. "It's sad that today, it's still the same way, with all that fear in these people."

Than, we have this little memory of American Terrorism, within, American Justice, Not a Moment Too Soon to finally come to some sort of closure.

As we now roam this World, for years now, spreading our own Terror on others in the name of bringing, or protecting, Democracy, at the end of a gun or our high tech bombs!

We invade these countries than call those who rise to our invasions 'Enemies', or in todays modern double speak 'Terrorists', everyone it seems is a 'Terrorists' but certainly not us, for we are bringing those who survive our Invasions, of their countries, Freedom and Democracy!

The above was typical of those years of the 'Dixiecrat', most long ago switched over to greener pastures and now call themselves 'Republican'!

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