Tuesday, July 17, 2007

'Normal' Day in Baghdad

"I challenge Congress and the President to do my Rotation!"

ABC showed this rare report on 7-16-07, It came from the Guardian Unlimited. ABC only showed 4min of the 10min report, but it was an important 4min's. Listen to both GI's, the first will give you a glimpse into what many are facing and why this country needs to 'Move A Nation To Care' finally.

Imagine going through what these troops do on a daily basis, than compound that with extended tours and being sent back into the Quagmire on Multiple Tours!
Our reporters, unlike our conflict in 'Nam, rarely leave the Green Zone, the few that are actually there, for this Conflict is more Dangerous, it's a take no prisoners!

This is the printed report at ABC News:

Photojournalist Captures the Troop Surge Firsthand, as Soldiers Navigate the Perils of Baghdad
The Guardian's award-winning photographer and filmmaker Sean Smith spent two months embedded with US troops in Baghdad and Anbar province. His harrowing documentary exposes the exhaustion and disillusionment of the soldiers.

And here's the ABC News 4min video report, the full Guardian report is below.

A Violent, 'Normal' Day in Baghdad

ABC will be having an updated report on it's World News tonight 7-17-07, just found this out.

The Face of War:
ABC News received an overwhelming response from Monday night's story about U.S. troops in the thick of the surge, which gave a rare glimpse of what American soldiers really face in the Iraq War. Tonight we'll hear from one of the soldier's mothers, the military and from you.

This is the the Guardian full 10min report by Sean Smith.

Inside The Surge
Rarely seen on our News programs.

We get Major Blast news, numbers killed of Civilians and how many of our Military Personal, but rare footage of what's happening Daily. ABC News showed a cut of this report on 7-16-07, the Guardian Unlimited has the full report and it was shown on British TV.

This is the link to the Guardian video page and you will find other reports from Sean there also.

Again, listen closely to both these GI's, as well as what Sean caught for footage and stills. While watching you will see two children, in one part, after a shooting of an Iraqi. Think what may happen to these little ones, if they survive. Think also, especially if you have children around, what it must be like for them to be growing up under this Invasion and Occupation and what it has unleased. In what direction will this debacle lead them?

Think also of what it is doing to those who are serving and their families, while the rest of this Country watches Reality TV.
This is Reality, Raw Reality, Destructive Reality, the Reality of Hell on Earth!!


Here's Tonights ABC Update....

'I Am the Mother of the Driver'
Reactions to Rare Footage of U.S. Troops in Iraq

Video footage not yet up.

Somebody that has Congressional Connections send the Video's to Congress, to view in their alnight session!

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