Saturday, August 25, 2007

The 'Focus Groups' are listened to FINALLY, but Too Late!

Much has been written and spoken since the Commander Guy/Decider, in his stumbling manor, even reading what others wrote, tried once again to re-write history, How did this clown ever get through college, let alone high school, grade scholl well apples and shy smiles used to work wonders!

So this lowly carpenter, vietnam vet and thought of as having good commonsense, at least in my younger years, decided to chime in also.

If the Congress, the Media, and the Country had listened to those of us, Millions in Numbers, not only in this country but around the world, what has happened and what is to come, would not be!

I might add even within the peace movement the lessons, this country said it would never forget, weren't brought forth by the thousands of us who served in Vietnam and understood what the invasion of Iraq would bring forth, a bloody Guerilla Insurgency fighting against a conventional War Machine with convention thought and forces.

And all one needed to do was look at the history of the region. The short of that is that these countries came about from previous occupations, empire building, and puppet governments of the powerful. People tired of having others trying to Control them and Force them to be other than what they were, themselves, and trying to change their cultures.

Revisionist history : As soon as this admiinistration came out with those two words it told everyone, who were paying attention, exactly what they had already been doing and would be using more and more to justify the Propaganda Machine, set up in the White House, by Rove and Cheney, and the Think Tanks elsewhere, to further their twisted goals of an Imperial Presidency sans a Representative Government!

And the Republican controlled Congress were more than willing to have it that way. Feeling it would solidify their seats and basking in the Power and Wealth they could generate while collecting their pay, from All of us Taxpayers, and using the Treasury to further a Total Take Over of the Country and it's assets.

Little work, as shown already being accomplished, in the Congressional reconds. No representation as their Think Tanks came up with catchy phrases, of Propaganda, turning the Nations attention on the trivial, not the Important.

First lets look at the 'Revisionist History' of the occupation of Japan. This has been a mainstay of argument from the Administration, the Republicans, their Talking Heads, and the minions of their supportors. The latter being either to lazy or unitelligent to bother looking directly at the real historys of the past, and showing it in their comments, printed and spoken. The others were being pushed by their well oiled Propaganda Machine and the Media were eating it up, also to damn lazy, or cheap, to search out the real facts.

Aug. 24: John Dower, a professor at MIT, talks about his displeasure of the way President Bush used his quotes in the Iraq/ Vietnam speech on Wednesday.

Revisionist History - Japan and Vietnam

Following the suggestion, of a google search of Prof. Dower, a number of links pop up:

This one gives you a page of a short list of his books

This one gives you the MIT faculty history on Prof. Dower

This is the Wikipedia page on Prof. Dower

And there's plenty more if you're interested, just follow the suggestion as well.

Now how further off base can the twit, occuping the Peoples House, and his criminal circle, be in trying to shift the causes of their extremely failed policy decisions onto others by chiming in with an attempt to compare completely Iraq with Vietnam. A Vietnam Era none of them understood in the least, as doesn't the greater majority of this apathedic society.

If they had understood they Never would have invaded a country that did absolutely nothing to deserve the death and destruction.

Their only fault was having a head of state, installed by us, paid by our intelligence community, and supported by our government for many years, while being the extremely brutal dictator we always knew he would be. Just as we have so many times before!

Lets get a little lesson, via recent writings after the re-visionist speach, on Vietnam and Iraq. Real history books and scholars can fill in any blanks.

Reacting to Bush, Vietnam focuses on present

Officials say country fought for a 'righteous cause' during war with U.S.
"About the war by the United States in Vietnam, we all know that Vietnamese people went to war to defend our motherland and therefore for a righteous cause," the government spokesman said.

Why America's Pullout From Vietnam Worked
The truth behind Bush's mangling of Cold War history.

His remarks to the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Kansas City on Wednesday were an abuse of historical fact—no surprise, perhaps, coming from a president who is just now catching up with the Political Science 101 reading he shrugged off at Yale.

And the truth is, the slow bleed of America’s might and prestige on the streets of Iraq makes for a far more compelling picture of U.S. weakness than any Al Qaeda propaganda could ever do.

The only really appropriate analogy to Vietnam is that Bush’s policy of Iraqification—handing over things to the Iraqis—is far too similar to Vietnamization.

Hanoi fires salvo at Bush's comments

"It is very ill-considered and, frankly, cavalier to make use of Vietnam insuch a way to extricate himself from the Iraq debate," said Ton Nu Thi Ninh, former deputy chair of the foreign relations committee of Vietnam's National Assembly.

Vietnam was "an unjustified and a wrong war in the first place so to start analysing things only from the withdrawal of US troops is really puzzling", she said. "The root of the problem is not the withdrawal, it's the very fact of starting up the war in the first place."

Vietnam's communist rulers have struggled for 30 years to promote recognition of their nation as a country, rather than a war, as they sought to bury the ghosts of the past and forge an amicable working relationship with the US, their former enemy.

"They could have achieved what they think they wanted without the war. But they were regretful about losing the war, so they continued fighting in their mind."
Ms Ninh believes the US has failed to learn the lessons of Vietnam.

Many wonder, with thoughts of the reasons why, the highly, and lowly, paid voices of the media, who call themselves 'journalist' with 'integrity' and 'intelligence' {except for FOX, I don't think there's a journalist in their stables}, it took what 31/2 to 4 years to finally get not only a voice of question and real journalism, and from all places the sports side of reporting, and apparently a group behind that voice dedicated to the truth and reality of these times and about the fascists {what would you call them} who want to gain total control, leaving the future generations to clean up the mess.

There are many dedicated real journalist and investigative journalist that have been right at the heels of these Neo-Cons, but for the most part one had to search for them as the media mogols tried to keep their voices quite {another extremely failed business decision by media ceo's, they could have gotten these folks for a song instead of the high priced propaganda robots they had}.

Lets let Keith tell all, again, about Vietnam and Iraq, after the bushes visit there last year.

Keith Olbermann Special Comment on Bush in Vietnam

Olbermann: Lessons from the Vietnam War
Keith Olbermann responds to Bush's comparison between Vietnam and Iraq
Nov 20, 2006
It is a shame and it is embarrassing to us all when President Bush travels 8,000 miles only to wind up avoiding reality again.

And continue with that great dedicated staff, who are there collecting the histories with the trackbacks and experianced speakers who actually spend time getting answers to their questions before speaking {something none of the rush talking heads would bother with knowing fools will believe anything they're told with the contradictions and all, and line their pockets with wealth},wether Keith is there or not.

AUGUST 22, 2007

One thing the bush spoke of, 'The Killing Fields', by his use of that term he also meant what occurred in Cambodia. Many think that those 'Killing Fields' were a direct results of Nixons Carpet Bombing and Cross Border invasion of that country that hastened the rise of the forces that took control, eventually forcing the Vietnamesse to intervene and put down those forces, than leave.

Will there be a bloodbath if the U.S. Troops leave Iraq, nobody can say for sure, there already is and will be as long as we stay, that's a fact. But I'll bet many are having the thoughts I am, there will be, Thanks To Us!!

We, along with almost all the so called advanced western nations, have been playing the religious sects, the tribes, the cultures and all those countries off on each other for decades. Occupiing,Installing their heads of state, supporting the dictators we either instilled on the people or those, who by default and coups, rule with impunity.

We have raised the Hatred levels amoung the people to a rage that has brought about the long running global Criminal terrorism leading up to, and yes 9/11, and that which has followed!

Right after the whittle bush claimed 'Victory - Mission Accomplished' everyone should have gotten the surrounding nation states together, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Iran and Syria, adding in All the religious leaders of the religious sects, for it's in their region and need for stability, for however long it would take to come to the aid of a country with no longer a leadership and destroyed!

We've long ago passed that point. We sit on the doorstep of Iran, condemning them in a wide veriaty of ways, with the threat of invasion, and don't understand why they are speaking in hardline terms and possibly actions!

As long as we occupy everything happening in Iraq is our Responsibility!

Wether we leave or stay whatever happens is Our Doing! Whatever happens on the World Stage, i.e. Criminal Terrorism, comes now from the direct results of all that has happened and will continue to happen, as long as we are in that region or not!

I Leave You With This

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