We've gone through All This Before, a War of Choice {of the arrogant few, with the Country falling in lockstep behind them} and All that evolves from!
Watch Brian Ross' exclusive investigation, "Coming Home: Soldiers and Drugs," Friday on "20/20" at 10 p.m. EDT
The Primer
What was it, 75% of this country were watching as the media were beating the War Drums and that 75% couldn't wait for the promised 'Shock and Awe'! A real live video game brought live into your living room, so One and All could Cheer it on like it was a Friday night High School Football Game, a Battle. Or a Saturday afternoon College Football Game, a Battle. Or a Sunday afternoon Professional Football Game, a Battle!!!
Tens of Thousands of us were hitting the Streets, the Internet, the LTE's, the Phones, warning what was to come, Everything that we said would happen, Happened, including the False Reasons for why we sent out Military into a Collosal Mistake!
What did we get, Few Listening, Many Verbally Spitting on us, and told the Hired Representative Leaders don't listen to 'Focus Groups', and we had Millions of others from around the World knowing Better than our own Countrymen and Women!
High at the Mountain Post
Part One of the Series: 'Coming Home: Soldiers and Drugs'
Above report is the first in a series of five reports.
Tale of Three Medics
Part Two of the Series: 'Coming Home: Soldiers and Drugs'
There are short video clips at the above links with these Soldiers Speaking about their New Battles, I down loaded 4 other video's and planned on adding them to the one above, but visit the links, read these first two reports w/videos on right, than visit ABC Investigates tomorrow till friday for the other three, and Watch 20/20 on Friday for the Full Report!
This Country Didn't Learn from Our Time, Vietnam, not a F**KING THING, now we have Destroyed a Big Part of another Generation for our Total Stupidity!!
And a word to these present day brothers and sisters, Your Peers Don't Give Much Of A Shit About What You Experianced, You'll See!!!
Do Something Right For A Change People, Make This Happen!!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead.
Military Spouses for Change are trying to lure Democratic and Republican candidates to address the largest military community in the country face-to-face.
"These candidates are asking to be the next commander in chief. I feel like our families and service members, if nothing else, deserve an audience," organizer Carissa Picard said.
Visit their Site, Support their Everts, Demand the Candidates for the Presidency Answer their Call For An Honest Debate, Contact All the major News Outlets with their call for a Face to Face Debate, Contact All the Televised News Outlets to Carry the Debate, Live, so as many as possible can Listen to these Spouses and Family Members who, besides those Actually Serving, are the Only Ones Sacrificing!
Soldiers' wives trying to lure presidential candidates to Fort Hood
Spouse group: Action needed for wounded vets
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