As September 11th happened this country went into shock quickly reverting to a want for revenge and retaliation. Quickly ridding ourselves of the apathy of what had already been occurring for years, Criminal Terrorism, here but mostly abroad, targetting U.S. Interests, Civilians, and Allies. We went after an obscure group, and it's leader, known as al Qaeda, as well as those harbering the Taliban, in Afganistan, we're still there, and not doing what we promised once we rid that country of the Taliban, Re-Building to help that country come back from years of Warring much of it Supplied, the Afgan/Soviet Conflict, by us. It's leader bin Laden still roams, al Qaeda has grown more World Wide than before, Why? because those that gain Wealth and Power from War saw their chance to replace the long running, so called, Cold War, Perpetual War, Long Running and Extremely Profitable. So they sent our military to invade an Innocent Country, Iraq, to take done a once Allie, who we installed, welcomed, supported, for years paid, and supplied with the needed military ordinance, and more, to sustain his dictatorship over it's people. We carry and Support, in our stable, a number of Dictators, we always have, reason many Hate Us!

Joplin Independent
Speaking out against war
A soldier has one paramount concern: coming back alive. But what happens when he or she does return but with a conscience wracked by guilt?
As one soldier said, he didn't want violence to conquer him and that he was at Winter Soldier 2008 as a way to deal with it.
where rules of engagement were changed to suit the need for retaliation by soldiers, some psychologically challenged by having to serve on a third tour of duty and, of course the overriding concern: to bring each other home alive.
And "Wave the flag. Let someone else fight your battles" was a message to the American people who've supported the war.
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Visit IVAW - Iraq Veterans Against The War to Watch, online, and get further information. Should warn, this site was on Overload yesterday so you couldn't reach it.
We gave to the innocent of Iraq a Thousand 9/11's starting with 'Shock and Awe', not planes flying out of the sky's, but bombs dropped from planes, rockets from bases and ships, and thousands in a Military of the move of Invasion, Tons of Ordinance of WMD's and Destruct we did, five years later We're Still There as a Hated Occupation Force trying to Dictate to the people of Iraq how they should live and the Political Ideology we want to force on them as well as Religious Ideology!
Speaking of Religion, we went from Revenge towards an Obscure Group of partly Religious Fanatisism to Condemning and Waging War on a Whole Religious Ideology, Islam, and all that believe and follow that religion that most don't understand nor want to.
The People of Iraq are Living Their 9/11, 24/7, now for Five Long Years!
And some can't understand why they have growing Rage and Hatred seeking Revenge and Retaliation, those that can't understand that others are no differant than us seek some sort of Victory, something they can't define but desperately want, as the Numbers Of Killed and Maimed continuely rise, on all sides, with the Innocent Suffering The Most, they always do!
Who Supports the Troops?
If I were a far better writer, I might -- might -- be able to convey the intensity of these Winter Soldier hearings.
On the way in were a few dozen right-wing protesters organized by the "Gathering of Eagles" -- a spin-off from the "Vietnam Vets for Truth" started during the 2004 campaign to go after Kerry. I've seen them at antiwar protests, and what struck me was that their messages were unchanged -- 'support the troops.' The concept that those giving testimony inside were the troops -- several with chests weighed down with decorations and metals -- was the definition of cognitive dissonance.
I have a question for "Gathering of Eagles", and the other groups using political ideology to define, as a matter of fact Thousands of us Veterans wonder the same thing, "if you "Support The Troops" why is it that you carry Nothing on your Sites, nor in your Rethoric, about the Rage you should be feeling about All the reports, finally coming forward, as to the Care of these Same Troops when they Return or are Re-Deployed or Discharged?"!!!
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Visit IVAW - Iraq Veterans Against The War to Watch, online, and get further information. Should warn, this site was on Overload yesterday so you couldn't reach it., Italy
"We Reacted Out of Fear, and With Total Destruction"
"We were driving in Baghdad one day and found a dead body on the side of the road," Viges said. "We pulled over to secure the area and my friends jumped off and started taking pictures with it, smiling. They asked me if I wanted to join them and I said no, but not because it was unethical, but because it wasn't my kill. Because you shouldn't take trophies with those you didn't kill. I wasn't upset this man was dead, but just that they shouldn't be taking credit for something they didn't do. But that's war."
"We're disrupting the lives of our veterans with this occupation, not only the lives of Iraqis. If a foreign occupying force came here to the U.S., do you not think that every person that has a shotgun would not come out of the hills and fight for their right for self-determination?"

“Five Years Too Many”
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Visit IVAW - Iraq Veterans Against The War to Watch, online, and get further information. Should warn, this site was on Overload yesterday so you couldn't reach it.

Former 10th corporal speaks out against war
Event in Maryland attracts dozens who participated in U.S. mission in Iraq
Philip Aliff isn't afraid to admit he was in the Army for the money. But even that — his salary, a $7,000 signing bonus and money for college — wasn't worth what he learned in Iraq.
Mr. Aliff, who was with the 10th Mountain Division's 1st Brigade Combat Team from Fort Drum, said the situation was far more violent than the rebuilding effort commanders advertised or were prepared to handle.
The result, he said, were contradictory messages for Iraqi civilians as U.S. forces arrested scores of fighting-age men on flimsy suspicion of wrongdoing, only to let them go a few days later.
"We'd hand kids soccer balls," said Mr. Aliff, whose duties included daily combat patrols in Abu Ghraib City and, later, the more violent area near Fallujah in 2005. "They'd see us on the one hand giving them things, and on the other hand arresting their families."
"My service in the military has been the greatest honor in my life," said Luis Montalvan, who left the Army as a captain with 17 years of experience and said he suffers post-traumatic stress syndrome. He wore his Army medals at a press conference Thursday, ahead of the event.
One of the many lessons Not Learned from Vietnam, Winning Hearts and Minds, no matter how much Good might be done It's Quickly wiped off the slate of Good Feelings and Intentions when there are Killings and Maimings, Homes Destroyed, and Occupation Dictates!
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Visit IVAW - Iraq Veterans Against The War to Watch, online, and get further information. Should warn, this site was on Overload yesterday so you couldn't reach it.
The Daily Star, Oneonta
Listen to our soldiers speak-In LTE March 15th
Politicians have constantly changed the rationale for our being there, and media images avoid tough realities of what that war is actually like.
"This is a moment when veterans won't let anyone else speak for us. We hear from the pundits, we hear from the politicians, ... (but) ... We're the ones who can bring out the cruelties and dehumanization in U.S. foreign policy."
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Visit IVAW - Iraq Veterans Against The War to Watch, online, and get further information. Should warn, this site was on Overload yesterday so you couldn't reach it.
Washington Post
War Stories Echo an Earlier Winter
Grim-faced and sorrowful, former soldiers and Marines sat before an audience of several hundred yesterday in Silver Spring and shared their recollections of their service in Iraq.
The stories spilled out, sometimes haltingly, sometimes in a rush: soldiers firing indiscriminately on Iraqi vehicles, an apartment building filled with Iraqi families devastated by an American gunship. Some descriptions were agonized, some vague; others offered specific dates and locations. All were recorded and streamed live to the Web.
For some of the veterans speaking yesterday, the experience was catharsis.
Visit War Comes Home to Replay previous testimony and opening statements and to listen to todays testimony. Someone asked about Transcripts yesterday, as they have hearing problems, Transcripts are now up at this site as well.
Visit IVAW - Iraq Veterans Against The War to Watch, online, and get further information. Should warn, this site was on Overload yesterday so you couldn't reach it.
Video - Iraq Veterans Speak Out On Both Sides of War
"I'm sorry for the hate and destruction I've inflicted upon innocent people," Turner said. "Until people hear about what is happening in this war, it will continue."
Part of the original, and now the present, Winter Soldier, is to voice the understanding, to those Invaded, of what has happened and how one now realizes what they have forced on others, the Death, the Destruction, and the Degradation and seek forgiveness!
After the first 'Winter Soldier', and once the conflict in Vietnam ended and it was safe to reenter the country, long before their government was recognized by the U.S., many Vietnam Veterans traveled to and started working with the Vietnamesse to help Right the Wrong, they Still Do!
Visit War Comes Home to Replay previous testimony and opening statements and to listen to todays testimony. Someone asked about Transcripts yesterday, as they have hearing problems, Transcripts are now up at this site as well.
Visit IVAW - Iraq Veterans Against The War to Watch, online, and get further information. Should warn, this site was on Overload yesterday so you couldn't reach it.
Stars and Stripes
Veterans groups offer different views of conflict
A pair of veterans groups on opposite sides of the country this week are offering drastically different views of the war in Iraq and the future of U.S. troops there.
In Washington on Thursday, Iraq Veterans Against the War launched its four-day Winter Soldier event, which organizers promise will show evidence of systemic war crimes, war profiteering and mismanaged strategy that has cost troops’ lives.
In San Diego on Friday, Vets for Freedom launched a month- long, 22-city tour to highlight stories of heroism from Iraq, and to encourage communities to continue their support of the mission overseas.
To 'Vets for Freedom', read above on 'Winning Hearts and Minds', and same Question as asked to 'Gathering of Eagles'!
Visit War Comes Home to Replay previous testimony and opening statements and to listen to todays testimony. Someone asked about Transcripts yesterday, as they have hearing problems, Transcripts are now up at this site as well.
Visit IVAW - Iraq Veterans Against The War to Watch, online, and get further information. Should warn, this site was on Overload yesterday so you couldn't reach it.

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