Monday, April 21, 2008


Ambush In Afghanistan
U.S. Army Special Forces say they were shocked by military tactics used by Taliban fighters who ambushed them near Kandahar, Afghanistan, in their first account of the unreported battle. Lara Logan

Green Berets Recount Deadly Taliban Ambush
Special Forces Troops Tell 60 Minutes Taliban Fighters Better Organized Than They Expected

With all the focus on the war in Iraq, we don't hear much about the war in Afghanistan any more, even though the U.S. is fighting the Taliban nearly seven years after they seemed to be defeated.

After 9/11 and the invasion of Afganistan, to rout out al Qaeda and bin Laden along with the Taliban, we literally walked away.

Not only in troop strenght, to keep order and help rebuild a society that had experianced years of Warfare with the Soviets, which brought the Taliban to power.

We walked away before, after the Soviets finally gave up there extreme Debacle, walked away from the promises made to the Afgan people, the whole western world just forgot and went their merry way. This brought about the rise of bin Laden and al Qaeda and the growth of extreme Criminal Terrorism, Emboldening them to take on the Western powers who's long established failed policies left many in the region with Hatreds of the policies that were set to control them and certainly not aimed towards freedom, their freedom.

Than Iraq

Now they are Emboldened once again and the Hatreds have not diminished but grown, across the region!

Leaving and invading Iraq, a Country and People that did nothing to deserve the invasion, destruction, deaths and maimings, and Occupation by foreign militaries have Created so much more Hatreds amoung so many more people, those that do survive, especially the next generations of the children, that the Whole Region will be Unstable and a Breeding Ground for those who will bring on more World Wide Criminal Terrorism, Terrorism that our children will have to live with and forced bring their own terror to others as each side retaliates for each incident waged!

This is the legacy and world we are leaving behind, unless the people themselves can rise above the so called leadership and arrogance, and use of War as a wealth generating endevor, and find the way forward without the death, destruction, and all that is associated with the Conflicts man wages against eack other!

" What does it matter to the dead, the orphan, and the homeless whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?"
- Mohandas K. Gandhi

" Wars, conflict, it's all business. One murder makes a villain.
Millions a hero. Numbers sanctify.
-Charlie Chaplin

"Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the president to explain to us what the exit strategy is," - George W. Bush, Texas Gov., 1999

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