Saturday, April 26, 2008

Radio Listening for Active Duty and Vets

On Saturdays, I'm listening now and have listened in for awhile.

The show runs for an hour and is hosted by three of members of the VFP Chapter out of Phoenix AZ on 1480 KPHX, the Phoenix Progressive radio station, that can be streamed via the net, if not near the Phoenix area.

They have been running this program for awhile and carry some Great Interesting Topics with some Great Special Guests and Call-In's.

One thing you have to keep in mind is that the Phoenix area doesn't do day light savings, so when the clock changes the times for the show switch, like from 5pm to now 6pm.

The show starts at 3pm, on Saturdays, Phoenix time, right now is 6pm ET, before the 'spring ahead' the show was on at 5pm ET.

It's called About Face and the hosts are Vietnam Vets. They'll referance Vietnam but the show discusses the more recent history of this Country and it's Military.

Here's the information from the 1480 KPHX 'About Face' page

Host : Dennis Stout, Mark Fleming and John Henry
Call In : 602-258-8800 or 800-989-1480
Web Site : Veterans For Peace Phoenix Chapter 75, 15825 S 28th Place, Phoenix
E-Mail :

“About Face” is a program brought to you by the Phoenix Chapter of Veterans For Peace. Veterans For Peace is a national organization that draws on the personal experiences of veterans to raise awareness of the true costs and consequences of militarism and war and to seek peaceful, effective alternatives. There are over 135 {Now well over 150} active chapters across this country and is spreading. They have helped Cindy Sheehan in her work to bring awareness of the human cost of war. They were one of the first groups to arrive in New Orleans and begin working to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina and they established and set up “Arlington West” sites in beach areas across California and other locations in the United States to bring awareness of the cost of war.

Here are some of the subjects of past shows:


For those not familiar with Veterans For Peace, the Statement Of Purpose

Veterans For Peace, Inc. (VFP) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational and humanitarian organization dedicated to the abolishment of war.


We, having dutifully served our nation, do hereby affirm our greater responsibility to serve the cause of world peace. To this end we will work, with others
(a) Toward increasing public awareness of the costs of war.
(b) To restrain our government from intervening, overtly and covertly, in the internal affairs of other nations
(c) To end the arms race and to reduce and eventually eliminate nuclear weapons
(d) To seek justice for veterans and victims of war
(e) To abolish war as an instrument of national policy.
To achieve these goals, members of Veterans For Peace pledge to use non-violent means and to maintain an organization that is both democratic and open with the understanding that all members are trusted to act in the best interests of the group for the larger purpose of world peace.
We urge all people who share this vision to join us.
Our membership is comprised of veterans from all wars spanning from The Spanish Civil War to the Gulf War, and the Iraq War. These members are distributed amongst 135 nationwide chapters, and dozens of international affiliations.
Our international activities include working with our affiliations in El Salvador, Russia, Canada, Japan, Guatemala, Viet Nam, the Netherlands, Chiapas (Mexico), France, England, Cuba, Nicaragua, Vieques (Puerto Rico), and numerous others. A member of the Nobel-Peace Prize winning Coalition to Ban the Sale and Use of Landmines, VFP has been undertaking arduous tasks since its inception. From bringing medical aid to Central American nations, to evacuating wounded children from war-torn Bosnian hospitals and securing medical treatment elsewhere around the globe, or just sitting down with American high school kids so that they may make choices for themselves based on reality, and not myth. We remain firmly committed to the abolition of war.
We know the consequences of American foreign policy because once, at a time in our lives, so many of us carried it out. We find it sad that war seems so delightful, so often, to those that have no knowledge of it. We will proudly, and patriotically, continue to denounce war despite whatever misguided sense of euphoria supports it 1985 - 2005 Twenty Years of Waging Peace.

Two weeks ago and last weeks show on 'About Face':

Last week we had a surprise visit by Ray McGovern on the show. He made a case for impeachment of Bush and Cheney. I think that horse has left the gate and we should be pressing for an investigation for War Crimes and pushing for a trial. We discussed the paper, “Why I don’t Support the Troops” and how that may be the thought of the mainstream young guy of today because of the volunteer military. We discussed with Doug Zackary about the Veterans For Peace and Iraq Veterans Against the War efforts to get the active military to rebel. Project Engagement is a very great effort and needs to get everyone involved. We need to get involved in any effort to stop this occupation.
This week we will be talking with Dr. Dahlia Wasfi about “How do we get out of Iraq?” and is it on the horizon. I feel that I will be sitting at this station in March 2009 talking about the sixth anniversary of the Iraq war (If we have not been cancelled). How many more we have killed, murdered, maimed, raped, and how much more we have destroyed in that country. Will the people ever forgive and forget what we have done? Do we really want to get out of Iraq? After all, we are building the largest and most expensive embassy in the world in Iraq. We are building permanent military bases in Iraq. I think the people of the United States are afraid of leaving Iraq! I think in the sub-conscious of the people of the U.S., they want us to stay because they want a war to support their way of life. I think the people of the United States are a very selfish lot and do not really care about the people of Iraq. Why should we care as long as we can go to our plays, restaurants, schools, sports events and churches. We worry more about our failing health care than we do about the health care system we destroyed in Iraq. We care more about an over paid idiot catching a ball than we do about the suffering of the children in Iraq because of our bombs and jack booted volunteer troops. The same people, our congressmen and women, the presidential candidates, all of them know what is happening in Iraq but do not have the balls to hold those responsible accountable for their actions. They want a meaningless impeachment. I want an investigation and a trial with conviction!!! If you say you care then get involved! Write letters, make phone calls, write letters to editors, get out on the streets. Get Involved!!!! Less than 10 percent of those who say they want the war to end take any action! So, do you really care???
Listen to “About Face” with your host, Dennis Stout, Mark Fleming and John Henry at 1480AM KPHX or on the Internet at 1480 KPHX at 3PM Phoenix time (same as Pacific Time) this Saturday.

Todays, 4-26-08, show discussed some about those who resisted serving in the occupation and counter recruiting.

Next weeks show, 5-03-08, will be a discussion on War Crimes, which should be another interesting show, listen in to see what I mean, all three are very good with discussing their topics with common sense and intelligence from their experiances.

Another radio show, by another VFP Chapter, Veterans for Peace - Chapter 099 Asheville, North Carolina just recently started up at an independant station The Progressive Voice of the Mountains WPVM out of Asheville.

It's called 'Veterans Voices' and airs for only a half hour from 5pm to 5:30pm EST on Wednesdays.

I've only been able to catch them a few times, but each had an interesting discussion with guests. Their in the startup mode and growing and can also be streamed by visiting the WPVM Website. If you're free catch their show as well.

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