Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Truth About War {UpDated}

What's the truth about War, the Real Truth, it's the prolific growth of the needed propaganda.

The propaganda that solidifies the needed support and fear instilled to continue.

Especially for the Wars of Choice, for they would quickly fall apart, or not fought at all, if the propaganda wasn't set forward and grown to justify.

Tonight on 60min they visited once again with a 'Gold Star Mother' who, along with her family, didn't buy the story of her sons death in Afganistan, a son who was a High Profile Figure for the powers that were that needed the growth of their Propaganda to Justify their wanted Wars of Choice!

A 'Gold Star Mother' who has been extremely tenacious in her search of the truth, not for her or her family but for the country of her son, Pat Tillmans, death!

What Really Happened To Pat Tillman?
His Mother Tells 60 Minutes The Govt. Still Hasn't Told The Whole Truth About Her Son's Death

Pat Tillman was a heroic face of the war on terror - an NFL star who left behind a $3.6 million contract and his new wife to fight for his country after the attacks of Sept. 11. When he died in Afghanistan on April 22, 2004, the Army told his family he'd been killed by enemy fire after courageously charging up a hill to protect his fellow Army Rangers.

But as Katie Couric reports, that story didn't hold up. He had really been killed by friendly fire, shot accidentally by his fellow soldiers.

For the past four years, his family, led by his mother Mary, has been searching for answers about what really happened, beginning the day she heard the news from Pat Tillman's wife Marie.

Too many questions linger about 9/11 and this War on Terror.

And there are questions as to how it somehow morphed into an invasion of an innocent country based on lies built upon propaganda, propaganda put together with bits and pieces of cherry picked intelligence and proven to be false, yet we're still there and thousands are dying and being maimed!

Those that made the choice of sending others, into invasion and occupation, to enrich themselves with power and wealth through death and destruction, are still saber rattling, growing the already overwelming hatreds of those invaded towards us and others in this world, Perpetual War!

We know the propaganda machine is well oiled as the lies continue. Including high ranking retired military officers used to put positive spin on the progress of the conflicts. Retired military officers on Defense Contractors payrolls and collecting monies from media outlets to report as Experts on what is going on in the theaters of operations, now known they were fed the information to say from the administration and pentagon.

As it continues unabated, The Country Does Nothing!!


Another 'Gold Star Mom' wants answers:

This Gold Star Mom A "Black Sheep"

Soldiers Deaths Clouded By Lie
Mary Tillman and Peggy Buryj believe the Army is withholding the truth about their sons' deaths by friendly fire. Maggie Rodriguez reports.

Peggy Buryj Wants Truth About Friendly Fire Death Of Her Son In Iraq; He Was Shot In Back

Just two weeks after Pat Tillman lost his life, Army Specialist Jesse Buryj was killed in Iraq.

His mother, Peggy Buryj, was told he died in a humvee accident, protecting his unit as it came under attack.

But months later, Peggy learned her son had been shot in the back.

And the story kept changing.

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