Friday, August 01, 2008

The U.S. on Military and Veterans Issues........No

Senate report criticises care of peacekeeper veterans

The Age - Melbourne,Victoria,Australia

Sarah Smiles
August 2, 2008

HUNDREDS of mental health disability claims are being made by peacekeepers who have served in Iraq, Afghanistan and East Timor, a report reveals.

"I can say that from my own personal situation. You feel that you have done 120% for the ADF and the country and, when you come back you become ill and all the ADF seem to be doing to you is wanting to get rid of you. So it is quite a significant impact on that veteran and his family," he told the inquiry.

Defence, AFP must improve peacekeeping cooperation: Senate

A Senate inquiry has called for Australian troops and Federal Police to improve their cooperation in overseas peacekeeping missions.

Report: Peacekeepers need exit plans

AUSTRALIA should not take part in peacekeeping missions without clear objectives and exit strategies, a senate committee has recommended.

"We are of the view that it would be singularly unwise to be committing Australian men and women into theatres of operation without a clear understanding why we are going there, what and how we are seeking to achieve it, and when the job is done, and when the men and women are coming home," he said today.

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