Thursday, August 14, 2008

Veterans Tsunami is coming...

There's a post over at KOS that if you haven't caught you should, if a Veteran of OIF and OEF and or a concerned advocate and activist.

It is posted by Peoples Lobby

The Country should be giving Total Funding to these programs, but it's always left to the Families of Veterans, Veterans of previous conflicts and the Dedicated Advocates/Activists to not only Volunteer but to gather the needed funds to accomplish the goals. And most of those advocates come directly from the Pro-Peace Activists ranks during and long after the conflicts are over!

Dedicated individuals in the nonprofit sector have the programs that our government should be carrying forward to help our troubled vets today and produce fewer wounded vets tomorrow. Building Veterans Villages helps vets erase post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and build their lives. Fielding 21 million Americans under the American World Service Corps will eliminate creating future PTSD wounded vets and build stronger lives for all who serve and are served. Visit Veterans Village and World Service Corp to learn more.

SNIP: Read Rest Here

And if you have a KOS account rate it up as you visit the sites and offer your Help to Nadia!

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