Monday, February 02, 2009

Costs of the Military Industrial Complex and War/Occupation, Unquestioned!!

Rep. Barney Frank Goes There. . .

Frank: "I don't understand from my conservative friends, building a road, building a school, helping to get health care, that's wasteful spending. But that war in Iraq, that's going to cost us over a trillion dollars, yeah, I wish we hadn't done that we would have been in a lot better shape fiscally."

Frank: "The problem is that we look at spending and say, "Oh, don't spend on highways. Don't spend on health care. But let's build Cold War weapons to defeat the Soviet Union when we don't need them. Let's have hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars going to the military without a check."

Some of you may not remember this, but President Obama gave a speech titled "The Cost of War" during the campaign, here's the video and a partial transcript:

In the comments some people are pointing out that this is the argument that needs to be made, well we need to put it out there then. Please DIGG this diary so more people can see the video of Frank and the one of President Obama.

DIGG it here

What is a 'Stimulus Package' especially as to Infrastructure and Program Investment? It's our federal tax dollars, that should have already been coming back to our states, in maintaining and improving that which we had already built and developed. Spent wisely it brings returns back to the communities and the country. These monies have not been returning, as they should have, as we spent and wasted them on that which brings wealth and power to the few, pushing off to later dates the really needed. Thus causing those cost to skyrocket way above what should have been and passing on these costs to coming generations and wasted interests on that which is now borrowed to fix that which should already have been!

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