Monday, February 09, 2009

Waterboarding ‘Far Down The List Of Things They Did’

Gitmo Detainee’s ‘Genitals Were Sliced With A Scalpel,’ Waterboarding ‘Far Down The List Of Things They Did’

Last week, two British High Court judges ruled against releasing documents describing the treatment of Binyam Mohamed, a British resident who is currently being held at Guantanamo Bay. The judges said the Bush administration “had threatened to withhold intelligence cooperation with Britain if the information were made public.”

But The Daily Telegraph reported over the weekend that the documents actually “contained details of how British intelligence officers supplied information to [Mohamed’s] captors and contributed questions while he was brutally tortured.” In fact, it was British officials, not the Americans, who pressured Foreign Secretary David Miliband “to do nothing that would leave serving MI6 officers open to prosecution.” According to the Telegraph’s sources, the documents describe particularly gruesome interrogation tactics:

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When we, as a Nation who Condemns Others for 'Human Rights Violations, join those who participate in the degradation of others, leading to the rise of Hatreds, We Lose Any and All Moral Standings, Our Words Mean Nothing, Our Actions Bring the expected 'Blowback' that will follow!! And torturing others does not work as the propaganda tries to assume it does, it does quite the opposite, as we show in our own rhetoric of those that practice this degradation!!

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